Chapter 16

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Oh my god! I am soo terrible! I am sooo sorry. im in st. Augustine for a week and I have had major writers block. sorry for the late update, I really am. now on to what you've been waiting for....


Crystal's P.O.V

Harry has been out of the hospital for a week now and everything is normal again.

Well almost anyway....

Harry has bumped up security up by a lot. No one is allowed anywhere by themselves. You must be accounted for, as in someone has to know where you are. And the guys and girls, including, myself and Harry, are always surrounded by guards. Always.

Good news is the fourth of July is coming up in a few weeks. I told Harry I grew up in Florida, which is true. I lived there for about 12-13 years. That's why I have a mix between southern and English accents. I just moved back here about a year ago. Anyway, I've always loved the fourth of July, and Harry said we could go somewhere other than the pack house. That is why we are all in Harry's office, trying to figure out where to go.

"What about Doncastor? I haven't been there in a while." Louis suggested.

Harry seemed t think about it for a second, before shaking his head no.

"I know. How about we let Cris choose? This will be our first fourth of July thanks to her." Rachel offered.

"Yeah. We don't know how to celebrate it, and we don't know a lot about what to do, so we should let her pick." Liam encouraged.

I felt Harry nod his head. I was currently seated on Harry's lap and the girls were on their mates' laps.

At this point everyone's eyes were souly on me. I thought a little bit before I came up with a suggestion.

"Well, when I lived in Florida my aunt and uncle would always take me to St. Augustine to see the fireworks." I said.

"Harry, Love, can we go? I missed last year and I got an invite in an email from my aunt and uncle saying I could come over for a week. They have a huge house so there's room for all of us. They said I could bring as many people as I wanted. Please Hazza, please?" I was practically on my hands and knees begging.

He thought about it looking into my pleading eyes, before finally answering.

He sighed and said, "Cris we can't. Not only is a nut job after us, what about all the fans there?"

"Let me take care of the fans. As far as the pshco goes, he expects us to stay here where we are surrounded. Harry please? I'm begging ya here." I said.

"How would you take care of the fans Crissy?" Zayn asked.

"Well Laura my aunt, is a white witch, and she has a spell so that everyone, except who you want, wont see you as you. They'll see someone else. The only thing that is the same is your eyes. Oh, and when one of us would say your name, others would hear something else. It's my favorite spell of hers." I explained.

"I guess we could go." he breathed with his eyes closed.

I squealed and threw my arms around his neck and squeezed hard, but not hard enough to hurt him. He chuckled and hugged me back.

"Call your aunt and uncle and tell them to expect 10 wolves. We'll stay for one week in St. Augustine." he whispered in my ear, his lips lightly grazing it.

I jumped off of Harry's lap and ran to the door. before I could turn the knob I was stopped. "Crissy." Sandy said. "Why were you in Florida with your aunt and uncle? I thought you were lived in the Blue Mountain pack."

I sighed and turned to them to answer. "Well, when I was about 5 years old, I was sent to Florida because I'm special, I guess you could say."

"What do you mean special, babe?" Harry asked.

"I mean powers. Sort of. It's kind of a sucky power, but it's what I got. If I touch an object, I can see what it saw, as if I were actually there, like in a dream or vision. In St. Augustine they have this fort, the Castillo de San Marcos. It's the original so there is a lot it's seen. I can see it and whoever is touching me can see it as well. I was sent to Florida to control that. I don't always want to see something's history, so I learned to block it. It's a lot easier now than it was when I 5." I said.

"How recent do the events have to be?" Niall asked.

"As early as 5 minutes and as far back as the 1564. That's as far as I've ever gone. I never really tried to go farther." I answered.

"Wow." Louis breathed.

"How clear are the visions or dreams I guess?" Katie asked.

"As if I were actually there."

'Sweetheart there's something I gotta tell you." Harry said slowly.

I waited for him to continue so he did.

"With what you just told me, I wanted to ask if you would be willing to go back to your pack house and see who did it." He paused to see my reaction to what he was asking me to do.

I just stared blankly at him and he continued on with what he had to say.

"We think it was someone in the pack but we do not know who it is. I hate to ask you to do this Love, you know I do. But we need your help Love." Harry finished

I stiffened at the thought of going back to that slaughter house. I knew I had to help them and I wanted to, believe me I did. I just wasn't sure I could go back and relive that nightmare.

"Harry," I started slowly still wearing a blank expression. "I don't know if I can. I wan to help, I really do, I just don't think I can yet."

Harry saw the tears that were threatening to escape. He instantly sprang from his seat and wrapped his arms around me. He pulled me to the couch in his office. I noticed the others had quietly slipped out of the room. When I heard the door click closed, I broke down into a fit of sobs.

Harry held me even tighter and closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his torso and buried my head into his chest.

He softly stroked my hair and whispered sweet nothings in my ear to try to calm me down.

It worked after about 15 minutes. I pulled away from him and wiped my eyes. Harry grabbed my face gently in his hands and wiped my tear stained cheeks.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything. I didn't mean to upset you." he apologized.

"It's fine Harry. I didn't mean to break down like a baby. I am a pack warrior for goodness sake's. Now come on." I said grabbing his hand and leading him out of the room. "Let's go call my aunt and uncle and tell them to expect 10 straving wolves."

He laughed and so did I as we left the room.


To short? I think its too short what do you guys think? anyway vote comment and fan. Again I am soooooooooo sorry for the delayed update. please forgive. byee

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