Chapter 7

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Harry's P.O.V

       "What do you mean, you are her brother?" I asked. "Her family was attacked and killed only yesterday."

         "What?!" he screamed. Cris squirmed in my arms and softly groaned.

         "Come with me. We'll talk about this more when she wakes up." With that, I picked her up and carried her to the packs doctor.

 Crystal's P.O.V

           Darkness. That was all I could see. I could hear voices. They sounded as if the were at the end of a long tunnel, distant and echoing.

           I felt someone pick me up gently, and by the sparks covering my body I could tell it was Harry.

          When I woke up I was laying in a bed in  a white room. I had to open and close my eyes a couple of time to clear my vision. At my right sat my mate, and at my left sat my....... brother.

         "Ky." I whispered. Ky grabbed my hand and there were tears in his eyes.

          "Is it true? About our pack?" he asked faintly.

          I nodded with tears of my own forming in my eyes. He dropped his head and started to softly cry. I sat up and wrapped my arms around my older brother, who was banished from the pack 3 months earlier. He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed hard.

         I looked over to Harry who was watching quietly letting us have a moment. His green eyes burned into mine with nothing but love and sympathy. We broke apart a few minutes later.

        "I hope you don't mind my asking," Harry started, "but why weren't you there with your pack, Ky? Why were you here?"

        "Well," Ky said. "I was banished because my mate is part of the Blood Moon Pack, and let's just say the alpha didn't like that very much. Lucy, my mate, was beaten by her pack, she never killed anyone. I would know if she was lying when she told me." It's true. When you find your mate you automatically know if they're lying or not.

      "How did you meet her in the first place?" I asked. I never got the whole story. All I knew was that he found his mate and wouldn't give her up for anything.

        "We were planning a surprise attack on the Blood Moons when a wolf ran into the middle of our camp. She stared at us shaking. We of course shifted right when she entered the camp, but we shifted back once we realized she wasn't a danger. I commanded her to shift and when she did I just couldn't look away. The next thing I saw was her dropping to the ground. I caught her head before she could hit it. When I looked at her face, there were bruises and scratches and even bite marks all over her. Seeing her like that made my wolf want to kill any and everyone who did it to her." Ky explained.

        "When she woke up," he continued. "she told me everything. I tried to reason with dad but he wouldn't listen and instead banished me from the pack saying if I ever came back he would kill us both. I couldn't let that happen so I came here."

        "Oh, Ky." I said bringing him into my embrace again.

        "Wait." Harry interrupted. "I thought the Blood Moons were a pack of rouges. And if that's true, Cris, do you think that its the same rouges that killed your pack and came after you?"

         "It's possible." Ky said. "I'm sure they were upset when their favorite," he took a deep breath, "girl escaped." He growled the last couple words.

         "It's okay Ky. No one will harm you or your mate in my pack, I can assure you." Harry promised.

         Ky seemed relieved at those words. "Thank you, Alpha. You have no idea how happy I am to hear your say that."

        "Ky, can you give me a moment alone with my mate?" Harry asked politely.

        "Well, look at this. My little sister is an Alpha's mate. Man, didn't see that coming." my brother said my a small smile. He kissed the top of my head and said he would see me later so I could meet Lucy. I also promised to tell him about our pack.

          As soon as the door closed, I was wrapped tightly in Harry's arms. I sighed into his chest and snuggled deeper into him. "I'm sorry about your pack." he whispered.

          A soft sob escaped my lips. He pulled away and wiped the tears away with his thumbs. I grabbed his hands and kissed both of his palms, with my eyes closed. He gently grabbed my face and brushed his lips against mine. For a few blissful moments I forgot everything and everyone, but my mate.


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