Chapter 14

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Sorry! Ik I haven't updated in a while so sorry. Just been lazy. sorry for any mistakes. doing most of this on my phone so.


Chapter 14

Crystal's P.O.V


'Calm down Crissy. It's okay.' I thought to myself. I had two reasons to worry.

1) none of us have heard from weird physco guy the whole week so we're kinda scared of what he's gonna do.

2) I'm gonna sing in front of more than 1000 people! It's one thing with 100 or so, I mean that's how many I sang in front of in my old pack, but 1000? I am freaking out!

I was currently standing in front of a mirror in a dressing room waiting for the guys to finish their half of the concert. I was also trying to calm my racing heart.

"Alright guys. We're gonna take a five minute break then introduce someone else that we think you all will like. Be back in five!" Zayn said through the microphone.

I heard alot of groaning coming from the crowd. That made me even more nervous, if possible.

A few seconds later, arms wrapped themselves around my waist causing me to instantly relax into them.

"What's got you so nervous love?" Harry whispered in my ear. "And don't tell me nothing. I know it's something."

Well there went my lie. I sighed and turned in his arms so I was facing him. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my head into his chest.

"Harry what if they don't like me? What if I make a fool of myself?" I asked quietly.

"You won't Cris. You will do just fine. Just be yourself and everything will be just fine." he answered.

I took a deep breath and said "Okay. I can do this."

"Good. It's time for you to go on. Good luck love." he pecked my lips and added softly, "Not that you need it."

We broke away and I went out of the room with him, and saw the boys waiting for us.

"Well it's about time. I thought we were gonna have to go in there a get the both of you." Niall said jokingly.

"Well come on. It's time to introduce you to everyone."

I took another deep breath and nodded. Harry grabbed my hand and led me to the stage. I was nervous for another reason I didn't mention before. I had a surprise for everyone, Harry didn't even know about it. Only the Dj, the girls, and I knew.

"Hey guys!" Harry yelled through the mic.

The crowd erupted into a thousand screams. "We have some one we want you to meet. This is Crystal, but call her Cris or she will go bananas on you." he said, earning a few laughs.

"Hey guys." I said in the mic. "Well the guys wanted me to sing a couple songs if that's okay with you?" I asked.

I got a loud applause signaling, heck ya!

Alright here goes. I nodded to the Dj. He started to play the first song I chose.

'Last Friday Night by Katy Perry'


The crowd was going nuts by the time the concert was almost over. They all thought it was the last song, but the girls and I had another idea.

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