Chapter 26

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Aaron P.O.V.

Today is the day I propose to Aphmau. I love her so much. I set a dinner up in the back yard with romantic light's and candle's. We would eat dinner and at the end she would opened a fortune cookie and it would say will you marry me. So I woke up and Aph and the kids spent all day at Katelyn's. So I had plenty time to get everything ready. When she came home she put the kids to bed. Then she noticed I was missing. "Aaron where are you?" She then walked outside and gasped. I was standing in a nice suit with a candle light dinner to my side. "Well what do you think?" "It is amazing. Did you do this all for me?" "Yes I did." I then pulled out a chair and she sat down. "Thank you. I love you." Then she kissed my check. I sat down and we eat dinner. When we finished he grabbed her fortune cookie and I grabbed mine. She opened it and as she read it I got on one knee. She read out loud "Will you marry me?" She looked at me with her hand on her mouth as a tear of joy ran down her face. "Will you?" I asked. She nodded her head yes and gave me a huge hug. She was crying with joy now. I put the ring on her finger and we walked inside.

Aphmau's P.O.V.

Aaron and me are getting married! I am so excited. I love him so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. He got me the most beautiful ring in the world. I started planning that night. I called Katelyn and she was so happy. I was in the dinning room and Aaron came in and said "It's getting late let's go to bed." "Ok" Then we headed to bed and that night I had dream's of Aaron and me getting married. 

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