Chapter 23

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It was 2 mouths after Aaron got out of the hospital. Life was back to normal and I loved it. We were cuddling on the couch and I went to go get a snack. I opened the fridge and I noticed my water had broke. "Hey babe my water just broke." "Oh....OH lets get to the hospital then." We soon rushed out the door. I made sure not to panic. When we got to the hospital my contraction had started. We did some paper work and waited for the doctor. "Just think soon we are going to be parents." I was so happy I held Aaron's hand the whole time.

*Time skip to after babies are born*

Sebastian was born at 11:31 on May 18 and Shannon was born at 11:43 on May 18. They were perfectly healthy. Shannon looked more like me and Bash (Sebastian for short) looked like his dad. They both black hair since me and Aaron both had black hair. They were perfect just perfect. Katelyn and Travis came to the hospital to see the kids. Travis was holding Winter as they walked into the room. "Awwwwww" Katelyn said. "Meet Shannon and Sebastian or you can call him Bash for short." I was holding Shannon and Aaron was holding Bash. "OMI can I hold one?" "Sure" Then I handed her Shannon. "Congrats guys" Travis said. "Thanks" Aaron said back. Katelyn showed Shannon to Winter and Winter tried to hug her. "It looks like there already friend." Katelyn said with a grin. "Hey babe I am going to change Winter diaper." "Ok love you." Then they gave each other a little kiss and Travis left. "So is Winter a daddy's girl or a mommy's girl?" "I can't tell she love's us both very much it seems. Which I am happy about. So which one was born first?" "Sebastian was." We spent the rest of the night talking about life. It was one of the best night's of my life. I had a family. 

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