Chapter 3: Love

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Aphmau P.O.V .

When I got home Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan were still asleep so I snuck into my room and went back to bed. When I woke up I walked down the stairs and saw Katelyn on the couch. "Good Morning" I said to her. "More like Good Afternoon". "Was I asleep that long". "Yep and where were you last night." "I came home after ya'll were asleep" I hated lying to her but I had to. "Oh ok." Then I went to get something to eat.

*Time skip to later that day*

I miss Aaron I'm going to text him.

A: Hey I'm coming over

Aa: Ok

Aarons P.O.V.

Aphmau coming over I always love that. When I answered the door she comes in and closes the door quickly. "What's goi-" Before I could finish she kissed me which soon turned in to making out. "I missed you." We soon starting making out on the couch and well you know what that turned in to. When we stopped and started to cuddle I said to Aphmau "Hey so does this mean we are dating now." For once in my life I wasn't nervous I was confident. "I guess we are" I was happy she was in my arms and it was the best feeling in the world and now she was mine and only mine. Then we kissed again and in 2 seconds we were both asleep.

Aphmau P.O.V.

Aaron asked me to be his girlfriend! I stayed cool and just said "I guess so" but inside I was like "OMI YES!!!!" After that I sat there and let him hold me. It was the best feeling in the world. I felt safe like nothing would ever hurt me again. A single tear feel down my check but it was a tear of joy. I feel asleep cuddling him. I love you Aaron and want to spend the rest of my life with you and I will never leave you. I thought as I feel asleep.

Aarmau OTPजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें