Chapter 23

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Aphmau P.O.V

It is two weeks after the twins were born and they have been really good. Today is Winter's first birthday party. Her birthday was a while ago but Katelyn wanted to wait till the twins were born to have her party. When we got to party everyone was there already. We got Winter some really cut cloths as her birthday present. The twins and Winter get along great. When it was time to slice the cake Katelyn said "Winter thank you for the best year of my life." Then she got everyone's attention and said "Me and Travis have some news. I am pregnant again!" Everyone burst into a cheer. "Congrats Katelyn." "Thanks" She smiling like crazy and turned to Travis and said "I love you" and then they kissed while smiling. Then we ate cake and celebrated all day.

Aaron's P.O.V.

When we got home from Winter's birthday party Aphmau went to put the kids to bed. They were exhausted but it was really cute. After I did everything down stairs I went upstairs to go to bed. So I went to the baby room to see if Aphmau was done and she was singing them to sleep. "You are my sunshine. My only sunshine." She sang. I stood on the side of the doorway and she didn't notice I was there. She had the most amazing voice I had ever heard. When they feel asleep she snuck out of the room and shut the door quietly. Then she noticed me. "Ready for bed?" I then kissed her like never before. Then when I pulled away I said with a smile "I love you so much." Then she said back "I love you to." Then she kissed me back. "Now let's go to bed kid's are hard." We walked to bed giggling.  

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