Chapter 21

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Aphmau P.O.V.

Today I woke up to Aaron and it was amazing. I went down stairs to get breakfast and watch T.V.  When Aaron woke up we eat breakfast and cuddled. Then I looked at the clock and it was about ten and Aaron decided to go grocery shopping and do some other things. I hated him leaving with out me but I needed to do some more work on the baby room. I kissed him goodbye and told him to be careful. Later that day around 11:30 I was hanging baby clothes up and I got a call from my mom. I love my mom but she tries to control me so I haven't talk to her in 2 years. She went on a cruise for a year and that was the last time we spoke. She doesn't like Aaron and she would flip if she knew I was pregnant and not married. The only time she needed to be there for me was when Aaron was in the hospital and she wasn't. "Hey mom" I said when I answered the phone. "Mija! We haven't talked in a long time and now I am back from my trip. So tomorrow I am coming down so we can catch up." "Mom actually can we met at like Starbucks or something?" "Sure." Then she hung up. I was really worried but she had to know some time. Aaron has his first day back at work tomorrow so I decided I wouldn't tell him.

*Time skip to the next day* 

I walked in to Starbucks and I saw my mom sitting down already. I took a deep breath and walked over to the table. "Hi mom" I said as I sat down. "Mija you have gotten so big" "Yeah mom I am 23. So how was your trip?" I said "Good but how are you I want to know all about the last what almost 2 years." I bet you don't. I thought "Well about 2 years ago I was hit bye a car. I was in a coma for a week with a broke leg, 3 broke toes,2 broke fingers, and 2 broke ribs. That is one big thing you missed." She just sat there in shock as I sipped my coffee. "That's horrible are you ok now?" "I am fine now." "What else has happened?" She asked. "Oh Katelyn and Travis got married and there little girl Winter is just the cutes thing." "That is great. That reminds me is there anyone your seeing." "Mom how about we finish this conversation at my house?" "Ok" Then we headed to my house. I wanted my mom to know everything and this was the perfect time to tell her. When we got to my house my mom said "This isn't your house. I don't know who's house this is but it isn't yours." "I moved house's this is my house now" "Oh ok." Then I opened the door and hung my purse up and sat my keys down. I then shut the door and said "Mom what do you see in this house?" "A couch, walls and a kitchen." "No look at all of the photos on the walls." She then picked up the photo of me and Aaron at the park where I was trying to take a selfie with him and he kissed my check and I was smiling. "You and Aaron." "Yes I moved in with my boyfriend.....Aaron" "The one dude I don't like you have to date. He isn't good for you." "Mom we have been dating for 2 years." "WHAT.....I don't like this. I forbid you from dating him." "Mom let me show you something." I then went up stairs and headed to the baby room. I put my hand on the handle and looked at my mom and said "You can't forbid it because." I then opened the door and walked in. "I'm pregnant." She just sat there looking at everything in the room. "How far along?" "7 mouths." She was angary I could see it. "I am going to the bathroom" She said angrily. Then Aaron got home. "Hey babe where are you?" "Up here" I yelled to him. He then came upstairs and said. "I got everything you said you wanted. Grocery's and everything else. Are you sure there is nothing else I can do for you? Because you know all I want is for you to be happy and comfortable." "That's good but thank you." "I love you." He said and kissed me. "Now I am going to go make us a snack." Then he ran down the stairs. My mom came out of the bathroom and said "I heard all of that and I am sorry for not supporting you. He is perfect for you and I could never be prouder of you." Then we hugged. I was so happy my mom finally knew. Life was turning around for me. 

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