Chapter 20

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Aaron P.O.V.

I woke up in a hospital bed and my head hurt like sin. Then I saw Aph standing there. She looked frozen and I didn't know why. "Hey babe where am I and why do you look like you have seen a ghost." Then a tear ran down her face and she ran to me with a sob and said "I love you!" I didn't understand anything that was going on. Then she put her fingers on my lips and said "Your real.....YOUR REAL" She kissed me and it was amazing like every kiss I have with her. "What is going on. I love you to and yes I am real but still." Then she explained that I had been in the hospital for 7 mouths. I couldn't believe I had been asleep for 7 mouths. "I am glad that's all." "Well...." Gosh there's more I thought. "When you passed out I was going to tell you something and that was I am 7 mouths pregnant." I am going to be a dad! I was so happy that I kissed Aphmau as if my life deepened on it. It was one of the best moments of my life. 

*Time skip to when they leave the hospital*

I got to leave today and I was really happy about that. I think Aphmau was more happy about it. She was smiling all day. When we got to the house Aphmau was in our room doing something and I walked passed the baby room. I walked in and half the room was blue and the other half was pink. It was beautiful I couldn't believe Aphmau set up the whole room by herself. I walked in to our room and she was humming while putting clothes up. "What is that?" I said with a smile an my face. "What the baby room? Yeah I finished setting it up about a week ago. Although I still have some stuff from the baby shower left to put up." Then I realized there was double everything."Wait why is there double everything?" "Oh that's right in you getting out of the hospital and all I forgot to tell you. We are having twins a boy and a girl." "Really" Then I picked her up as I grabbed her by her waist and gave her a kiss. "You did an amazing job on the room" "Thanks" she said as I was holding her while we put our heads together. "I picked names. Shannon for the girl and Sebastian for a boy." "Those are perfect names" Then I kissed her head and said "I love you" 

Aarmau OTPजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें