Chapter 1: Sparks Fly

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Aphmau's P.O.V

I was on the couch watching T.V and my phone started to ring. It was Aaron! I had liked him since High school but I stayed friends with him because he knows I love him as a friend and that's good enough for me. If it did ever become something more I would love that because I also love him in more than a friend way. I answer the call.

*The conversation*

A=Aphmau and Aa=Aaron


Aa-Hey Aph it's Aaron I was wondering if you would want to come over later. It gets lonely over here and you are my best/only friend.

A- I would love to Katelyn went to Jeffory's house and Kawaii~Chan had to work today so yes I would love to come over. Can we pick up where we left off on our last movie we watched at your house?

Aa- That would me great see you in a bit bye.

A- Ok bye.

*Call ends*

Aaron's P.O.V.

Aphmau is coming over today I am always happy when she comes over. I do have feelings for her but she is my best friend and I love her for that but I would love for it to be more. *Ding Dong* That must be aph. I open the door "Hey" "Hey Aaron" She walks inside and head straight to the kitchen and grabs us some cokes and some chips. I love how she already knows where everything is. We sit down and decide to watch a scary movie. The whole movie Aph stayed close to me and it was really cute.

Aphmau's P.O.V.

When I walked in I already knew where everything was. I grabbed us some snacks and we sat down to watch the movie. I stayed close to Aaron during the whole movie. It was always a nice feeling when I was next to him. When we finished the movie me and Aaron got up and did the dishes. He said he could do them but I helped anway. I went to go put up a dish to my left and he went to the right. We bumped in to each other and we both started blushing bright red. At that moment I felt in my heart that he liked me to. 

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