Sex, Lies, and the Drug Game ch 29

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 .:..:Your::.:..Biggest..:...Fan::.:..:: Karlie or XxXPr3tTyBabEXxX

Now back to the story

Ben's POV

I sat up in my bed and a sharp pain sprung at my chess."Time for some more pain killers." I said to myself.

I rolled out of bed and eased a shirt on before heading out of my room. I was staying at Hooligan's apartment now until we left I needed to take care of everything in New York before we headed west for Oregon.

I walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator only to find beer and a half eaten subway sub.

"Hooligan!" I shouted while checking the clock; 9:30am Tuesday. We were leaving on Saturday, so I had a few more days to relax.

I walked to Hooligan's room and banged on the door. I remembered that he had came home with a girl last night but I forgot who it was. I think it was one of the strippers from the club we had went to.

I banged on the door again but there was still no answer. "It was 9:30 she probably had already snuck out of the house." I told myself before turning the knob on the door.

"Hooli- Aww fuck Chaz." I said closing my eyes and the door. I tried to erase the sight that was just brought upon my eyes but to no luck, I grimaced as it kept replaying in my mind.

"Sorry Bro. Kinda busy!" Chaz yelled from the other side of the door.

"My bad." I said before making my way back to the kitchen.

The girl from the night before hadn't left and her and Hooligan were still... getting physical.

I grabbed a beer from the refrigerator and sat down on the couch. "Wonderful..." I said out loud and opening my beer.

I closed my eyes as I tasted the cool liquid entering my mouth. I pushed my brain to get the image out of my head but I couldn't push that girls face out of my mind... Wait. "....Was that.... No it couldn't have been... Maybe... Was that Zane's step sister?"

Dalia's POV

I had fallen asleep only for a little while when I had awoken back in the hut. "Damn it."

I couldn't remember much of what else had happened the night before but I tried not to think about it. I quickly ran a body check over me and realized that nothing was wrong with me; no pain no bruises or cuts. I was perfectly fine so I left it at that.

The room began to smell of mold from the water damage and I felt I needed a shower from all the bacteria that lingered in the room.

I walked into the closet and realized most of the clothes were still wet and the ones that did dry were hard and stuck to the others. No electricity worked and the damage done to the whole place was unimaginable.

What was once under the sink in a cabbinet was now all over the bathroom and every item in the room how found a new home somewhere else.

I flushed the toilet to see if it was working and of course to my guess it wasn't.

I decided I would have to endure and skipped the shower. Standing infront of the morror to do my hair up in a bun or some kind of up do. I needed to refrain from thinking and just occupy myself until there was something else to do.

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