Chapter 35

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Sandy's POV

I rolled out of bed wishing school would be canceled for some odd reason. I got home around 6 last night and did what little bit of homework I had and went to bed, not even bothering to ask my sister who this 'Big Boi' character is.

I took a quick shower and slid on some loose jeans and a T-shirt; putting my hair up in a bun I headed out for my walk to the bus stop. My dad was coming back today from his business trip and I wasn't sure when so I'd rather be safe and leave the car instead of having to deal with his wrath when I come home because I took the car.

The air was warmer today, and for a Thursday it felt alright. I never really liked Thursdays because their just a tease for Friday but I have a feeling that today is going to be a great day. 

Ben, Zionna, and the others are leaving this Saturday so I guess Zionna wouldn't be attending school anymore and Ben stopped going awhile ago so that only left Pete, Justin, and I as the only ones to know about the whole under ground crime scene bit. It felt weird knowing people that delt with drugs and illigal matters for a living. 

I was engulfed in thought when I stepped on the bus and flashed my bus pass. I made my way to my usual area and took an empty seat. I sighed heavily and looked out the window when my phone began to ring.

My caller ID read 'unknown' and for a second my hopes got up to the thought that maybe it was Dalia. Then realization dawned on me; Dalia wouldn't call me if she was in trouble. She'd probably call Carla.

I rolled my eyes at my stupid thought and answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey babe."

"Oh hey Kyle." I didn't really want to speak with Kyle after the whole confessions thing yesterday but I guess I would have to talk to him sooner or later.

"How's everything?"

"Kyle can we just skip over the proper stuff and get to why your calling me." My voice was harsh and I didn't know whether to feel guilty or not.

"Babe- I...."

"You what. Are you calling me again to tell me how your fucking all of Europe." I had grabbed the attention of the few passengers on the bus and I noticed the bus driver look at me through his mirror above him.

"San no.. I didn't mean to do that the other night, it ju-"

"It just what Kyle? You just happened to find your dick and some girl getting aquainted? You know, I wish you could be more like Gage, or Mick, or even Ronnie. Atleast Ronnie would have the fucking balls to just end this shit before he does any real damage."

"Mam' I'm going to have to ask you to watch your language." The bus driver said to me looking through his mirror directly above him.

I rolled my eyes and listened to Kyle, "Babe, I want to make this work, I really do. It's just hard sometimes."

"Oh for Pete's sake Kyle. You sound like a fucking sex addict. Stop trying to play the fucking victum here. I'm here in a huge ass city with eight million people that I could fuck but I'm not!"

"Mam get off the bus." The bus driver stopped the bus and everyone stared at me in awe.

"Stop looking at me you pricks." I said grabbing my book bag and making my way off the bus. I watched the bus leave without me and realized it be easier to walk home then to walk to the subway. So I began my journey back.

"-San, I love you and I don't want to lose you for something that didn't mean anything."

"Kyle you should have thought about that before you decided to fuck someone else. You act like if you apologize it will take away what you did."

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