Sex, Lies, and the Drug Game ch7

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"D-Dad" Joy was filling my heart very quickly and I was surprised I hadn't jumped out of my chair to hug him.

"Hello Dalia." My dad said with a small tilt upward from the right side of his lip. I guess you can call it a smile.

"What..What are you doing here?" I asked out of just child like curiosity. I haven't seen my father in about 3 months and wasn't expecting him for another 2 so this was a wonderful surprise.

"Well I guess that's close enough to a how are you." My dad said with a small chuckle. "I am here for strictly business, but I was going to pop in on you and your mom before I had to head out again. But obviously you beat me to the punch."

"Oh sorry Dad." I said fixing my hair. Me and my Dad aren't close so just talking to him like this kind of makes me nervous.

"Don't be Miss. Francesca." My father said looking up from his newspaper when I sat down. The only time he calls me by my last name is either when I was in trouble or he wanted me to call him boss or Valandro and I wasn't in trouble.

"Oh sorry Boss... Umm how is your business trip going?" I asked trying to strike up a conversation.

"It's... Well." My dad said pausing in between words as if he was choosing each one wisely.

"So ho is well...Like what do you do?" I snuck in my question as if it were just another one to feed my curiosity, nothing more.

My father chuckled. "Ben told me you were taking a big interest in what we do."

"Yeah... I kinda am." I said my hopes building up higher in the thought that he will finally tell me.

"You shouldn't worry about it." He said looking back at his paper once again.

".... Why not?" I asked a little louder then necessary.

"Because it's not your place to know."

I could feel my anger boiling up. 'It wasn't my place to know', this isn't the 19th century and everyone else knows but me.

"How is it not my place... i'm your daughter." I pushed for an answer, this time conscious of my volume.

"Because I say it's not." My dad said in a smooth and quiet voice. "I'm not amused with your little temper tantrum. How do you expect me to tell you when you haven't grown up just quite yet?" He was looking straight in my eyes and this time I had no response.

"I must be going.. I will see you soon enough." My father said before getting up and quickly kissing me on my forehead. "Worry about guy's and the bitchy cheerleader like most high school girls do." My father said looking into my eyes with utter seriousness.

"I can't help it.. I think it is in my blood." I said looking back into his.

"Indeed it is... Take care Dalia." My dad said before heading towards the exit.

I watched him bump pass a boy that said his apology but he never turned around. And I watched him get into his car and drive off the opposite direction of our home.

When will he tell me...

"Hey Dalia!"

I looked up from my thoughts to see the guy that my dad just bumped into. Or should I say..

"Cub! Wow did you speed or what you got here in like 5 minutes."

"Actually it was green lights all the way to here. Talk about lucky or what."

"Today must be a lucky day because I found a parking space right in front of shop." I said with a smile. But thoughts involving my dad still lingered in the back of my mind.

"Well i'm glad you waited for me to get you coffee but I am feenin' for a peppermint mocha with extra whip cream." Cub said before moving to get in line.

"That peppermint sound's really good Cub." I said as I stepped in line with him.

"OMG girl. It. Is" Cub said before swooshing his hair out of his eyes.

"You know what I think i'm going to pass on that and get the usual."

"Ewww. boring." Why don't you shake up your life and try something new." Cub said with a smile.

"Whatever I'm going to stay right were I am because I love it."

"Mmm he giving you that good loving huh."

"Yep...Wait what."


"Ugh hasn't even been 10 minutes and you already talking about my love life."

"You got me all wrong D I was talking about your.. Sex life." Cub said with wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

"Gosh Cub you are so dirty."

"That's how most people like it now days D. You gotta' get with that program girl." Cub said with a smirk.

"Mmm I rather not." I said with a small giggle as I stepped in front of Cub to order first.

Sandy's POV

I knocked on the door to Gage's house hoping I wasn't ruining anything with him and the guys. I have to prove to Kyle what I have been feeling for a long time no matter who it is in front of.

I knocked again but a little harder this time.

"Hold on i'm coming!" I heard Gage call from the other side of the door.

"I told you guys I want to spend time with Je- Oh hey Sandy." A shirtless Gage opened the door in full lecture mode.

"Sorry Gage.. But I was wondering if you had seen Kyle?"

"Yeah you just missed him actually." Gage said while leaning up against the door frame.

"Damn. How long did he leave?"

"About thirty minutes ago.. Why?" Gage asked looking into my eyes

"Gage whose at the door?" Jen's soft voice called from an approaching distance. I didn't know her well but from the few conversations I had with her while the boys were practicing she seemed like a very down to earth person, so I liked her.

Jen suddenly stepped into view and leaned up against Gage, while he put his arm around her waist. She was only wearing a larger t-shirt and socks so I knew I should leave soon.

"Hey Sandy." Jen said with a smile. He dark skin and long hair made her look so beautiful I kind of envied her for her beauty. But I agreed with a lot of people that they made a odd couple. With him being in a band and loving rock and tatoo's Jen was more of a preppy kind of girl that wasn't that all into music. But yet they hardly ever argued and had a kid together so their is obviously sparks.

"Hey Jen." I said returning her smile. "How's Cooper?" I asked thinking of there child. Please let that be his name.

"He's great. He is with my mom right now but he is good. I'm about to put him in pre-k so i'm a little nervous." Jen said sucking in air sharply and widening her eyes a tad to show her fear and yet love for her son.

"Well that's good and I know he will do fine."

"I sure hope so." She said while leaning her head on Gage's chest.

"But anyway. Kyle just left about thirty minutes ago and why do you need to know?" Gage said turning my attention back to my current situation.

"Gage don't ask her why, just tell her. That's her boyfriend, if she wants to know where he is she wants to know." Jen said coming to my defense and not even lifting her head off of Gage's chest.

I smiled a thank you to her and looked back at Gage who was torn with curiosity and his girlfriend.

"Well he left about 35 minutes ago now and I honestly don't know where he was headed. I suspect Mick's place because that's who he left with." Gage said obviously taking his girlfriends advise.

"Ok.. Thanks" I said before turning around to leave.

"see ya sometime Sandy." Jen called after me.

"Most certainly." I called back to her before exiting to the stair hallway.

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