The Football Game

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Minnesota, 25th September 2014

Today is the school football game. I'm very excited because I will be cheerlead in front of every student for the first time.

Aaron doesn't care much about football. He says football are for brainless guys who just want to be popular and use their violence legally.

He's kind of right. I tried to convice him to watch the game but it was in vain. He kept with his idea and won't show up.

I'm really happy because even though Cassie and Harper are Panthers too, the Medusas have the spotlight. We're head cheerleaders. The song we will perform is "Dark Horse" by Katy Perry. It's catchy and it's dancy. So it's perfect for our routine.

Joshua is the quarteback so he, after the coach, he's the leader of the team. I don't like him one bit. He's so conceited and so stupid.

The game is about to start each one of us Panthers grab a word and together we spell the name of the school. Redlands High School.

Our school is playing against Coral Coast High School. They are known as the better team of Minnesota. But our jocks aren't scared. They are good themselves too.

The game starts and our school is chose to start the game.

Everyone in the bleachers are screaming and rooting for our team. I don't get the thrill of it but suddenly my heart is aching and it's a ache that comes as a desire for our school to win.

After the first quarter the score is 0 from our school and 6 from the guest school.

The players go drink a bit of water and soon the game starts again.

Joshua is going good. He's ganging up with Robert and they are doing amazing with the rest of the team. And then we finally scored. 6 points. Everyone is screaming.

Another quarter is happening and it's stopped at a tie. It's the time for us Panthers to do the routine.

Yas, let's rock it and make this jocks more excited about winning.

"Dark Horse" starts and we do the routine and I see Joshua looking at me. It's quite disturbing since I loathe him. But I get my head in the game and keep on dancing and doing the routine and we finally end with a big twist. Everyone claps.

There's more two quarters. The final one is the deciding one. It will show us who's the winner team.

The game starts again and our team scores right in the beggining. So far is: Home: 12 - Guest: 6.

The game continues and it starts to get more intense Joshua is freaking out because nobody gives him the ball. After trying to get it, he finally scores. Yay we're winning by now.

Another quarter goes by and they stop to drink more water and congratulate us on the cheerleading routine.

It's the final moment. Now everyone in the bleachers are quiet. There's an intense environment. Everybody is waiting for a score for our team because if that doesn't happen then it will end in a tie.

The game starts and I can only see red and white guys running agains each other and trying to get the ball. Some running. The ball is finally with our team, Robert has it and he has to run to the end zone of the opposing team without being let down. He is almost achieving it. It's like a Tom & Jerry scene. He's the mouse running away from the cat. He finally arrives at the end zone of the opposing team and he scored. We won. 

Final score is Home: 24 - Guest: 6. Everybody is grunting and screaming and we cheerleaders are jumping and shaking our pom poms. We won, Joshua and Robert are carried by their team mates as they were the ones who made our school win the football game. Joshua and Robert look and wink at me and Mackenzie. I smiled at them. I was happy for our school but that doesn't mean I'm warming my heart when it comes to Joshua.

Aaron was so stupid to not at least watch the game. He just likes to be an outcast. To not fit in in any cliques. He is kind of a loner. But I know he is just faking it. He sure has any group that he indentifies with.

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