First Impressions/Insults

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Minnesota, September 14th 2014

I've heard there's a new guy in school and every girl is after him.

Actually it doesn't surprise me anymore it's what these girls always do when there's a new guy.

I'm at my locker organizing it, I have this thing with organization.

I hear girls screaming, more like screeching, it's him. The new guy is walking in this hall, I take a peek through my locker at this guy.

He seems so happy to have all this girls screaming for him. Ugh he's not even that cute.

I go back to organizing my locker and as I'm putting all my books in a corner and putting photos of Cassie and Harper on the door.

The door slams almost hitting my face. I turn my face to look at the jerk who did this.

"Hey what was that for?" I ask furious as the locker door made a wave of air making my straight hair fly.

"I saw you didn't fangirled me." This new guy slides his hand towards my locker and we are face to face.

"Oh you wanna know why? Because you're not my type." Trying not to lose myself in his beautiful eyes I mock this new attractive guy.

"And what's your type? A jock?" The new guy scoffs still showing interest in me.

"You should leave me alone. I'm not interested in you." I can't stop looking at his glowing eyes and sharp jawline.

I turn my back to him and walk away and my books fall of my hands. He comes to help me grab the scattered books.

"I don't need your help." I tell him without even looking at him, picking up my books.

"Oh I wasn't going to help you, I was actually kick your books far away." He keeps on mocking me and being rude actually.

"You're really a moron." A soft anger forms inside of me and my cheeks redden.

"Oh you're blushing. Am I making you nervous?" He smiles as if I am showing any interest in him, actually I just feel sick of him.

"No, please leave me alone. You're really conceited." I brush him off and try to focus on my locker.

"And you're really aloof." He returns with a mockingly serious tone.

"I gotta go. You're no good for me." I shake my head with a disguted look on my face, hoping that he might leave me alone.

"I forgot your name." He snickers while winking at me.

"That's because I didn't tell you and it will remain that way." I tell him hugging all of the books that had fall.

I don't see why all the buzz about him, he's not that interesting.

He's actually like all these boys in here. But he has this bad side.

And he has plug studs in both ears. He smelled like cigarettes so I'm guessing he's a smoker. He's the definition of a bad boy.

This afternoon Harper and Cassie scheduled a meeting at the mall. Maybe we're going to do some shopping.

It's lunch time and Cassie and Harper are waiting for me. But I got to go the bathroom.

I have to check if my appearance is on fleek. I enter the bathroom and I find Mackenzie and Phoebe retouching their lipgloss.

In their heads, they're the rulers of this school, well that's quite true. They're the most popular girls in the school.

Falling for the Bad Boy [COMPLETED]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin