Fashion Auction/Breakup

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Minnesota, 25th March 2016

Today is Saturday and it's the Fundraiser day. I talked with Mackenzie to see if she can help me with a theme and how to do this. I mean she's the girl who knows how to throw huge parties and how to influence people.

Burt (shouting) – Lea there's a girl in here saying she's your bestie or whatever.

Lea – Send her upstairs.

Mackenzie comes upstairs to my bedroom and knocks on the door.

Lea – Come in.

Mackenzie – Hey Lea. How are you darling?

Lea – I'm good, how about you?

Mackenzie – I'm feeling amazing. Well we should cut the small talk and let's talk about the fundraiser.

Lea – Yes about that, I'm not having ideas for it. Which type of fundraiser it will be.

Mackenzie – Worry no more. I was thinking about doing an auction.

Lea – An auction of what?

Mackenzie – Well didn't I tell you that I have some clothing and high heels that I don't use because they're so last season?!

Lea – Yes I remember that. But I'm not seeing the point.

Mackenzie – Well I thought you were smarter. I'm thinking of gathering all the clothing, handbags and high heels that I don't want anymore and auction them for your Senior Class President Campaign goal.

Lea – Are you serious? You're completely nuts.

Mackenzie – I already bought more clothing, bags and high heels and I don't have space to put them so I have to take off those last season stuff.

Lea – Oh my god thank you so much, you're an angel.

Mackenzie – I know right?! Well grab a paper and let's write how the auction will be done.

Lea – Sure let's do it.

We spent three hours planning the auction. It's going to be a hell of an auction. Omg. Mackenzie called a friend of her that lives in New York, she's a model. Savannah Votre.

The auction will take place in a community theatre stage that Mackenzie rented all for the auction. And it will begin in six hours.

So it's time to call every student of our school. Mackie created an event on Facebook called Auction High Couture to fish important people to the auction. Savannah is arriving in two hours and half.

Mackenzie called Diego to gather and bring all her last season clothing and stuff to my house. She came with a pink trolley full of makeup.

Mackenzie – Ugh Diego takes so much time to arrive on the places I order him to drive.

Lea – You have to give him a break, he's practically driving wherever you want at the time you want.

Mackenzie – Well that's is job. That's why my father pays him and that's why he has a house to sleep and eat. A mansion actually.

Lea – He lives with you.

Mackenzie – Oh you're so basic. Don't you know that all the butlers, housekeepers and personal drivers of people who live in a mansion live there. They work there and they live there. Once you get in you never get out.

Lea – Wow you must be very determined to work like that.

Mackenzie – Of course, but there were butlers who wanted to visit their families because their kids were missing them so my father fired them and they never got a job again. You know if my father fires someone then that person should never be employed again.

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