The Only Exception

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Minnesota, 15th September 2014

I'm having history class and I couldn't be more bored. I'm longing to this class to finish because I've been to meet Aaron. I don't believe I'm doing this, I'm playing with the devil. But that's the thrill of it, desiring what's wrong.

Finally we're dismissed from class and I run through the hallways searching for Aaron. He's over there in his locker. I'm going on his way. I'm so happy that we're getting a new start. After yesterday's bus moment I finally found that he is not a bad boy, he just plays one.

I finally made it to his locker and I start a conversation with him. He is wearing black pants and a black t-shirt and a black beanie. I think he likes wearing all black.

Lea - Hi Aaron how are you?

Aaron - Hey I don't have time, I'm late for class.

Lea - But it just rang for recess, why are you lying to me?

Aaron - Yeah that was a pretty bad lie. Well I guess what happened yesterday made you feel like we could have a thing. But you're not my type. You're a plain simple girl. You dress like a librarian and you're very shy and how do I say this. You're too nice. I like bad girls. You're not even close to pretty. You're beautiful but it's just that, I like hot girls.

Lea - Wow yesterday you were talking about starting again and we would become friends. But you're still the same since the day I met you.

Aaron - Listen I never told you I would change. I'm like this, you don't like it well screw you literally. Because I won't change my ways to be accepted by you.

Lea - Oh so I'm the one who has to do it?

Aaron - I'm not asking you that. We're not meant to each other. We're too different.

Lea - Okay, I'll go now.

I go away. I have to find Cass and Harpy. I have to apologize to Cass I was very rude to her.

I feel tears streaming down my face but I quickly dry them off with my cozy sweater.

I stand and tell myself I have to be brave and not weak and then Mackenzie and Phoebe appear.

Phoebe - What happened troll? Did bad boy hurt your heart?

Mackenzie - Poor miss sunshine, thought she could have a chance with Aaron. Please gurl get it together. With that appearence not even the nerds would want to date you.

Lea - I have to go. I don't have to listen to you two.

Mackenzie - No sweetie, you didn't understand us. We were trying to help you.

Lea - Please Mackenzie leave your sarcasm to another person. I know your kind. You would never help me. The least you could do was sabotage me.

Mackenzie - I know we're not that close. But I see so much potential in you. You could be like us. But you rely on that pretty girl. The girl who makes her parents proud. But I know you could be like us, popular and hot.

Lea - Is that so?

Mackenzie - Yes it is.

Mackenzie - Phoebe.

Phoebe - Mackenzie and I were doing our little catwalk through this hall and overheard your chat with Aaron. And from what we got it, we thought poor Lea she needs to change for Aaron to like her. So Mackie and I agreed to give you a makeover and a lesson on how to be a boss ass bitch.

Lea - I'm not interested. If a guy doesn't like me like I am then he's not worthy. I won't change anything in me.

Phoebe - You do what you want sweetie but you'd get more than just him. You could achieve better things. Even the teachers would give you better notes and the jocks would look at you. 

Lea - How do I know this isn't some prank?!

Mackenzie - We swear this isn't a prank. As good bitches that we are we never break promises. Right Phoebe?!

Phoebe - Right.

Lea - You two could come to my place tomorrow after school.

Mackenzie - Okay.

Phoebe - Yas, okay.

Lea - Thank you?!

What I got myself into?! A makeover from my biggest enemies. They are going to make me ridiculous I know. But if I will get Aaron then it's worth it. This is the only exception I'm making to what comes to a boy.

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