Dress Code

464 10 2

Minnesota, 17th September 2014

I'm already late for philosophy class and the teacher doesn't like his pupils to arrive late at his class. He's quite inspiring but for a philosophy teacher I got to say he's a little bit narrow and close minded.

Lea - May I come in?

Harvey - Yes you can come in Lea. But you're late and you know my rule.

Lea - Thank you teacher, not putting apart your rule since you're the teacher. But time's a concept created by mankind.

Harvey - You have a good point. Please sit down.

I sit right next to Cass, everyone's looking at me.

Cassie - Hi, what happened to you. You look like you could be a fifth Kim Kardashian's sister.

Lea - Actually I would the third Kim Kardashian's sister. Kendall and Kylie are her step-sisters. But yes I had a makeover.

Cassie - From whom?

Lea - Mackenzie and Phoebe.

Cassie - WHAT?!

Harvey - Cassie would you like to tell me and the rest of the class what were you talking with Lea that made you scream like that?

Cassie - Oh it's nothing important to the class, I'm sorry teacher.

Harvey - Then if isn't important to this class then you shouldn't be talking in the first place.

Harvey - As I was saying, Sigmund Freud the founder of psychoanalysis, discovered. I mean at that time proposed that the human psyche could be divided by three parts. Now I want to know if you know what psyche means and what were the three parts that divided it.

I raise my hand. It's on the tip of my tongue.

Harvey - Yes Lea.

Juliette - Psyche means mind.

Lea - Hey it was my turn you moron.

Harvey - Lea, I can not bear those types of offenses in my class, I'm sorry but I have to pass you a detention card.

Lea - No please, Mr Harvey I know I can't take back what I said but I'm so sorry. Juliette I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you I just snapped at you because you spoke in my turn. I had already raise my hand.

Harvey - I'll let it pass this time, but I don't tolerate this kind of behaviour. So as you were saying.

Lea - Well as Juliette already mentioned it, psyche means mind and the three parts that divide it are: Id, ego and super-ego.

Harvey - That's right Lea. You've been studying.

Lea - Also if you allow me to talk more. The Id is the unorganized part of the psyche, it contains the human's basic, instinctual drives. Like the primal desires and so. The Ego is the part of the psyche that pleases the Id drives in a realistic way that will benefit at the long term. The Super-ego is the part of the psyche that contains the morality and the internalization of the cultural rules.

Harvey - Good job Lea, you're totally right. I guess that change in your outside made you change your insides.

Lea - Oh I won't allow you to make that statement. It's kind of pervert of you to notice my change, I mean my appearence.

Harvey - You're the one who showed up in my class dressed like that.

Lea - How are you allowed to be a psychology teacher if you're a bigot. Girls can't dress in a way that somehow shows a bit of sex appeal without boys or men in general noticing them and trying to say something about it. Women are free to dress how they want and not be judged by that.

Harvey - Yes but there's a school dress code.

Lea - The hell with it. Is my appearence distracting you or my classmates. If that's the problem, you're the ones who are wrong not me. I see where this is going you're going to tell me to change my clothes because of the freaking school system. Because by creating a dress code and not allowing girls to dress in a certain, I mean showing a bit of skin that will perpetuate rape culture.

Harvey - How does that perpetuate rape culture?

Lea - Because if a girl shows a bit of skin will distract a boy and he will not contain himself. That's sending the message that if girls don't cover their bodies they're asking to be sexually assaulted or even raped.

Lea - About the detention card that you forgive me I would like that you would give me one now so I could leave this class. But nevermind I will walk out anyway.

Lea - Yes you can send me to the principal, I'm defending women and I'm defending a cause that should end this bullshit of rape culture and girl's shaming.

Lea - I'm out.

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