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Minnesota, 16th September 2014

Lea - Good morning Cass, I want to apologize for my behavior the other day at the mall. I snapped at you without any reason. I just like things to be done at my pace and my way. And you pressuring me into getting a boyfriend just made me explode. I'm sorry Cass.

Cassie - It's alright pumpkin. I'm sorry if I was pressuring you. I just want us to do things like we've been planning since the day we met.

Lea - I know but sometimes things can't be like we plan.

Cassie - Why is that?

Lea - Well after my outburst at the mall, I took the bus and I found Aaron in there. We had this little moment where we even listening to his songs together.

Cassie - I knew you would end up falling for him. He's the one I know.

Lea - So I thought. Yesterday I walk to his locker to meet him and he said that what happened at the bus didn't mean anything to him

Lea (crying) - And I wasn't hot enough for him. He said I dress like a librarian and I'm stuck up and not his type.

Cassie - He's a douchebag. I'm sorry dear, you were right this whole time. But I'm sure you will find a guy who will like you for what you are.

Lea - Yeah I guess.

Cassie - So today we're meeting at Harper's home for a dress fitting. She's going to a party with her parents.

Lea - Oh about that I can't be there. I have something to do.

Cassie - What are you hiding from me? You never fail to appear at our meetings.

Lea - Well I have my own life too. I don't have just this trio life okay Cassie?! Here we go again.

Cassie - You're changing Lea, I don't know you anymore. What happened?!

Lea - Nothing happened. I have to have my solo life okay. You know like bands, one of the artists in it decides to do a solo career.

Cassie - Are you saying you don't want to be our friend anymore?

Lea - No Cass. I'm saying I just need some time alone too. Is that too much to ask?!

Cassie - Okay go on.

Cassie leaves me alone with a disgusted face. She's clearly annoyed with what I'm asking her.

Classes seem like they're taking an eternity to end. I don't even want to do the makeover now. But I have to. I won't have anything to lose.

Phoebe and Mackenzie are at the school main door waiting for me.

Lea - Hey girls.

Phoebe - Hi Lea. 

Mackenzie - Hello Lea. Ready for the makeover?

Lea - Yes. So come with me, let's take the bus to my home.

Mackenzie - No sweetie, we don't take the bus. We are waiting for my personal driver to come pick us and you will give him the directions to your house.

Lea - Oh okay. I still can't believe you're two are really being good to me.

Mackenzie - Hey he's here.

I look at the car, it's a car that every Beverly Hills girl would have. The driver is handsome. Of course Mackenzie wouldn't allow a guy with a non traditional appearence.

Mackenzie - Get it girls.

We go I tell the driver the directions to my house. And the driver turns on the radio and a beyoncé songs begins. The three of us sing it until we arrive at my house.

Falling for the Bad Boy [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now