Fifth Wheel/Second Impressions

862 18 2

Minnesota, 14th September 2014

We're at the mall to do some shopping, you know the drill.

Well that was what I was assuming we would do. But no, Cass and Harpy decided to bring their boyfriends. And now all of us, five persons, are sitting in some copy of Starbucks store. The barista who Cass ordered drinks from was very rude because she ordered too much drinks. 

What an asshole, the costumers are entitled to order the quantity of things they want. That's why we're paying them for. So now with all the drinks at our table, Cass is sitting next to Chad, and Harpy is sitting next to me and Trent. 

How awesome I'm the fifth wheel. I'm just going to drink my Frappuccino and then I'll go wander through the mall.

I do as I planned but I'm followed by Cass.

Cassie - Where are you going? What's happening to you? We're supposed to be together always. We're a sisterhood remember?

Lea - We were. Now that you two have boyfriends I don't have time to be with you two alone.

Cassie - Oh you're jealous. That's why you should get a boyfriend. So we can do triple dates.

Lea - Cass, you don't get boyfriends. You fall in love with a boy. It's not like I'm going to choose a boy to date so we can go on "triple dates".

Cassie - Who said you had to choose? I saw the chemistry between you and the new guy. 

Lea - There wasn't no chemistry. He has just following me because I don't fangirl about him.

Cassie - Yeah and I'm the Queen Elizabeth II. You were blushing and all clumsy. More than you already are. You feel anything for him?

Lea - Shut up. Yes I feel anything for him. Disgust. He thinks he is a bad boy because he's cute and he's like antisocial. A rebel that's what he is.

Cassie - And is that bad? You said every guy in our school are morons. He's not like them. And you know what they say, different people make great couples.

Lea - He's a moron too. I guess I like him but he's so vain and comes off as a moron. He doesn't have a nice word to say. I would never date a guy like him.

Cassie - Give him a chance.

Lea - Would you stop?! I'm really tired of this talk, you're two have boyfriends that's awesome. But don't push me into getting one too. I will have a boyfriend when the right time comes. 

Cassie - Wow Lea you're very cranky, go wander through the shop as you were headed.

Lea - You know what? I'm going home. I'm getting a bit tired of you.

Cassie - Lea don't go...

I leave Cass, grab my bag in a big rage, leave the money for the drink Cass ordered for me and go home.

What a friend she is. I'm tired of all of this.

I go to the bus stop go home and the bus is taking too long to come. I'm furious and now impatient.

Finally the bus arrives and from the outside I see it's full. Great, there's all this crap going on and now I have to add this too.

I buy a ticket and search for a seat. The front row is full, the second one is full too but even if it wasn't I wouldn't seat there since it's reserved to elder people and pregnant women. I got to the back of the bus with it already moving, and what a coincidence. The only seat that it is empty is a seat next to Aaron.

I hesitate in sitting next to him and go to the part of the bus where there's this thing for you to grab and stand withou falling. I look to him a few times because well he sure is handsome but I can't fall in love with him. With the type of guy that he is.

He gets out of his seat and comes next to me.

Aaron - Why don't you sit next me?

Lea - I'm good. I like to be standing it helps me grow. And you're still conceited, I didn't seat there not because of you. I just don't like to sit in the back of the bus. It's too hot and full of weird people.

Aaron - You know you're not a good liar don't you?

Lea - I'm not lying. (I say in a low voice)

Aaron - Look we started on the wrong foot.

Lea - Tell me about it.

Aaron - Haha. Why don't you give me another try and we'll try at least to be friends.

Lea - And I would do that because? I don't want to be your friend.

Aaron - Are you sure? Your eyes are saying otherwise.

I look at his eyes and get lost in them.

Lea - No, we can start again. Give it another try.

Aaron - That's cool Lea.

Lea - What?

Aaron - I said that's cool.

Oh my god I can't believe what I just done. I'm trapped. I was deceived by his eyes.

Aaron - Want to sit next to me?

Lea - I guess.

Aaron - Let's do it.

We sit together and he takes his smartphone out of his pocket and a pair of earphones. Wow nothing more rude than listening to music while you're with someone. What a good start.

Aaron - Hey want to hear some music with me.

Lea - Uhm I don't know if I could listen to your repertoire. My ears are too sensitive to rock songs.

Aaron - Don't judge a book by its cover. I like to listen to Indie rock. That's soft enought for you? Arctic Monkeys, have you ever heard of them?

Lea - No I don't listen to rock or any of its types.

Aaron - Come one, give it a try.

He plugs the earphones into his smartphone, he lends me an earphone. And "I Wanna Be Yours" starts to play. I peeked at the screen to see the title of the song. The song is not bad, actually it's not what I expected to be. The song ends and another one starts. I recognize the beat right from the start it's "Into You" by Ariana Grande.

Lea - Wait you listen to Ariana Grande songs?

Aaron - No, this song is on my phone because my little sister likes to listen to her.

Lea - You know what?

Aaron - What?

Lea - You're not a good liar as well. You like pop. (I say excited and happy with it)

Aaron - Well you got me. I dig some pop songs, they have a nice beat. Some of them. But if you tell this to anyone I will spread a mean rumour about you.

Lea - I won't, I promise.

Aaron - So what about this new start?

Lea - It's too soon to say anything about it.

Aaron - Hey, my liar detector is screaming.

Lea - Okay, I'm liking it so far.

Falling for the Bad Boy [COMPLETED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang