Chapter 3- The Basement

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Heys guys, boy has it been a long long time since I updated  " The Runaways  ", sorry about that! but heres the New installment though, I hope you like it!




 Part 7: The Basement


Maura Giorgio &

Michael Gibbons

5:37 p.m.

Location:  Michael's house; Brooklyn, NY

            Maura Giorgio let Michael lead her into the lower basement of his apartment home. What is this place? She thought, as she walked down the basement stairs.


While the rest of the Apartment had cream colored walls and was furnished with warms colors, such as redwood browns. The basement had white walls and was furnished with spare chairs and one worn black leather couch that faced a table filled with cool nick-knacks, CD's, cassettes, and vinyl albums which were stacked onto each other. On a small desk to the side was a laptop connected to large speakers, and different electronic devices.


            Maura tucked a wisp of her black hair behind one ear before turning to look at Michael with an impish grin. "Is this your man cave, where you do all things boyish?" Michael winked at her "Yup."


            Michael's mom yelled his name from upstairs, saying something about refreshments. "I'll be right back." He said before he dashed up the stairs.


            After their conversation in the courtyard, they had decided to meet privately and Michael had suggested his place. Maura had tentatively accepted his invitation. They'd taken the subway before walking side by side to his home.

            Smiling at the memory, Maura fingered the dusty vinyl album cover she'd picked up; she glanced up as Michael's body became more visible as he stomped down the basement stairs. He approached her slowly, balancing precariously a tray of baked chocolate chip cookies and two glasses of milk.  Michael smiled sheepishly and set down the plate of cookies carefully on the tiny table before offering her a glass of milk.


            "Thanks," Maura settled down into one of the spare chairs and rested her elbows onto the side of the chair.


            "So how did it all happen, discovering your power I mean?" Maura asked tentatively in between a bite of a cookie.


            "Well, I was in here messing around with my producing equipment and then, sound, notes they played in front of my face. Like...I don't know, I could see them...I sound crazy, don't I? " Michael looked at Maura finding her features etched with curiosity. She shook her head, her wavy locks fraying in the air. "No, keep going." She said popping a cookie into her mouth and taking a quick sip of her drink.


            "Sooner or later I could just...I don't know... manipulate sound whenever I wanted to...I used to get these headaches when I did though, I'd break out in a sweat or feel like I was about to pass out" He sloshed some of his milk onto the column of vinyl albums stacked next to him on the table, as he lifted his cup to take a sip. "What about you?"


            "Remember the girl, I uh-" "Sara Maxwell?" Michael interrupted. "Yeah, well freshman year she started, well, bullying me. She's horrible ya know?" "Yeah, total bitch that girl." Maura shook her head distractedly


            "Well, there was this girl I used to hang out with, Cassie"

            "Sara would bully us but that was normal, a few months into freshman year her hair started falling out" Maura continued "No one knew what was going on, and she wasn't telling," She licked her lips nervously "Sara started bullying her even more and kept calling her nasty names and spreading rumors about her saying that she'd gotten AIDS and that's why her hair was falling out." Maura's upper lip trembled and tears splashed down her cheeks "She had cancer Michael"  "Cancer" 


            "A few weeks after the rumors had spread; they found her in her room"

Maura sniffed and wiped away the tears that had fallen. Michael rubbed his solemn face before handing her a napkin from the tray.

"She had hung herself," Maura whispered.


            "All because of Sara, and I couldn't...I didn' was just so awful" Maura blew her nose loudly, startling Michael. She wiped her eyes once again before continuing"I went home that day and I stood in front of the mirror and closed my eyes and thought about how vicious Sara was"  Maura sobbed quietly as Michael handed her the napkin he was going to use "-and how good a person Cassie was" she finished. 


            Maura squeezed the napkin tightly before continuing "I felt this shiver, almost like a vibration trail over my skin as I stood there and when I opened my eyes and looked I saw"

Michael leaned forward anxiously "You saw?" Maura's lips tightened

"I saw Sara."



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