"I found a perfect spot for our vacation and you're going to love it, I promise," Laurent say and I hear the excitment in his voice.

"O-oh, I coming," I say and make sure I in order, including little Larry down there. When I see everything is fine, I open the door and Laurent push pass me and head for the bed.

"Come and take a look. It's so beautiful," Laurent say and I go to sit beside him.

The sight in front of me is heavenly and I can no really put it together that I going there for one month.

"Wow, Laurent," I put my hand over my mouth. "How you find this place?"

"I was thinking of you," Laurent smiled. "Quiet, soft and beautiful."

"Laurent," I stare at him as my heart stir a bit. Why he do this?

"What?" He laugh as he continue to scroll on his laptop. "Anyways, it's the Exuma Beach Resort in Bahamas."

"It's beautiful," I say looking at him. So so beautiful.

"Glad you like it," He sigh and then pat my leg. "I'll go to my room, make a call and make reservations for us there," He pick up his laptop and start getting up. "Start packing. We're in for so much fun, Larry," He wink at me and then head out.

"Okii," I say as I watch him go.

Why he always make me feel like this? I no able to control my heart and body around him anymore. Laurent is taking over me, I know it.

Author's POV

A few days after, Laurent and Larry headed for their vacation spot and after they had checked in and were on the plane, they settled down.

Laurent felt like the whole world was crashing down on him as he sat on his chair, his leg tapping away and his hands fidgeting in his lap.

Larry turned to look at Laurent and noticed the behaviour.

"Are you okii?" Larry asked.

"Yeah," Laurent said as he shut his eyes tight and held on to the handle of the chair really tight.

"You no look okii," Larry knew he was lying, Laurent looked anything but okay.

"I hate flying," Laurent confessed.

"Huh?" Larry's eyes widened. "You hate flying?"

Laurent nodded.

"But how can it be possible?" Larry asked but Laurent didn't reply, he only scrunched up his face. This only made Larry chuckle.

"You think it's funny?" Laurent glared at him.

"Yes, very funny," Larry laughed. "How a celebrity going to be scared of flying when they travel out about four times a month?"

"Never got used to it," Laurent groaned.

"Haha! I can no believe it. Haha! What you fans will say when they find out you scared of flying?" Larry laughed more.

"I can't believe my brother, my twin, is taking pleasure in mocking my weakness."

"No be so gloomy, Laurent," Larry smiled to himself as he shifted in his seat, relaxing more. "We going to have a lovely flight."

Laurent didn't understand how someone could be so relaxed when they were going more than five thousand feet up in the air. It was hella scary.

As soon as the pilot announced their take off, Laurent clutched his stomach, he felt his heart drop to his stomach and then felt the urge to throw it up, he groaned inwardly.

"Ow!" Laurent whined, his eyes shut tight.

Larry turned to look at his brother and what he saw, made his heart drop. Laurent looked so pale as if he was going to pass out any time soon.

"Laurent," Larry took his brother's hands in his own and squeezed on them. Laurent groaned louder, making Larry realise the level of his pain/phobia.

"Laurent, what's wrong?" Larry asked but Laurent didn't reply. His face was scrunched up in pain, his stomach hurting to the depth. Larry took Laurent's face in his hands and shook Laurent a little. "Laurent, look at me."

He no longer found it funny.

It took a while but Laurent's eyes gradually opened as he stared at Larry, who was searching his brother's eyes. "You going to be fine, okii? A plane ride is nothing," He said and Laurent nodded slightly. "You going to be fine. I here with you," Larry gave Laurent a soft smile even if his own heart was beating really fast.

He pulled Laurent into a hug and began rubbing circles on his back, whispering sweet words to him.

Larry felt so scared at that point. What if Laurent were to pass out there? What if he were to have a panick attack? What would he do?

All through Larry's life, all through the time he had watched Laurent on TV having interviews, his workshops, dance videos and since he had met him, Larry had thought of Laurent as a god without fear or fault. But as he held Laurent, rocking them back and forth, he found out he was wrong about that. A plane ride that even a seven year old girl could sit through with a smile plastered on her face, Laurent almost died from just taking off. It made Larry realise Laurent wasn't a god, he was a normal human being with feelings, flaws and fears. A normal human that needed to be protected and there Larry promised to always be there to hold Laurent's hand through his moments of weakness, especially through a plane ride.

Larry heard soft snores from Laurent as he gently pulled Laurent from his body and rested his head on the head rest.

Not taking his eyes away from his brother, Larry too rested back on his own chair. He stared at how peaceful and beautiful Laurent looked in his sleep and couldn't stop himself from reaching over and stroking his face. His felt his heart leap as his hand connected with Laurent's face. He still couldn't understand how someone could look so perfect, even in their sleep. But then Laurent wasn't just anyone. He was a special person. Someone extremely special to his heart. Someone he was willing to do any and everything for if only he would be given the permission.

A/N: Hey, guys! There we have the eighth chapter! I was gonna post this tomorrow but then, why not today? So, there we have it.

I hope you all enjoy this chapter and please vote and comment. It means so much to receive positive feedbacks from you guys! Thanks! 😍😘

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