Chapter 48

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Autumn dressed in a pair of worn denims that were flattering but not too snug and a simple white cotton t shirt that accented her curves without being overly tight and applied a slight dab of grey eye shadow and black mascara.

Savage didn’t like her going out in clothes that attracted the attention of other males. She was to look presentable when she was at his side and make him look good.

Pushing his dark Ray Bans back into place, Savage put his hand on her hip, guiding her through the crowded pub, smiling softly when they approached the table in the back, somewhat secluded from the rest of the bar and held his hand out to Scott, then to Slash before sliding in next to Autumn.

“Hey guys, I’m glad you could make it. All of you know Autumn, my promotions manager sidekick. Where’s Matt and Duff? I kind of wanted them to hear this too.” Savage had taken great lengths to make sure Autumn appeared in public as nothing more than the promotions manager he’d hired 2 years ago for the bands he represented so no one he knew would think it was anything more than business.

It was a snap because as far as the world was concerned, Sapph didn’t have a sister. In the two years Savage had been seeing her, she’d told him her life story, starting with the fact that Sapph’s parents threw her out when she was only sixteen because she’d gotten pregnant, the baby which she’d later lost due to complications and then she’d gotten hooked on drugs and sent to rehabilitation six times.

Autumn was the child they never wanted in their eyes and Sapph and her had never gotten along. Sapph remained jealous of her older sister because she always seemed to get exactly what she wanted, namely men and on more than one occasion, stolen Sapph’s boyfriends.

Slash snuffed out the Marlboro in the silver ashtray and winked at Autumn. “They’ll be here shortly. How’ve you been Autumn? Is Savage as hard to work for as he seems?”

Autumn grinned, pulling out her briefcase from beside her and set it on the table in front of her. “Not at all Slash, in fact, I’d say he was very nice and easy to please.” She smiled at Savage, squeezing his knee underneath the table.

Scott shook his head, looking at Sav and caught a glimpse of Matt and Duff coming from across the room. “Here they are now.”

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