Chapter 112

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Savage walked into the studio after Sarah, Joe’s housekeeper let him in and sat on the wooden stool. “Joe, I’d like to talk. Will you hear me out?”

Joe looked up from the sheet music in his hands and exhaled slowly. Shuffling the papers together, he put them down on the sofa and looked up at Sav. “Before you say anything, I just want to say how sorry I am for what’s happened. I know how much you loved those kids and I loved them too Sav. I thought of them like my own. Rachael and Damon were great kids. They were so much like Sapph and you of course.”

Sav smiled, nodding. “Thanks Joe, that means a lot. Sapph’s taking this so hard. They were her babies. She’s been so depressed lately. I think she’s getting better though. She was up this morning and ate a little something.”

Joe nodded, looking down at his hands. “That’s good mate. So, what did you want to tell me? I’m not sure I do want to hear this Sav. It’s obvious you’re still going to hold onto her even though you know that this relationship has been over for over a year. Why won’t you let her go Sav?”

“I could kill you for EVER having hit her you shit. Where did you lose your bloody mind? You’ve never been insanely jealous before and to top it all off, you were having an affair with her sister. I’ve known you for 29 years Sav, what gives?” Joe frowned, settling back into the plush leather cushions and waited.

Sav pocketed his fingers into his jeans pockets and his eyes filled with tears as he looked at Joe. “I’ve been seeing a counselor since coming back to Dublin Joe and according to the shrink, I am manic depressive.”

“My psychiatrist says that Manic Depressives can go through fits of rage and I just happened to take my rage out on Sapph and Autumn although most Manic Depressives will destroy property such as furniture or other things. He also says that my rage was fueled by jealousy and it manifested into a huge roaring fire and I ended up taking it out on Sapph and Autumn.” Sav closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath before continuing.

“As for my affair with Autumn, I think it was because I was so insecure about Sapph and me, that I wanted to find someone that could love me unconditionally without having feelings for someone else.” Sav looked at Joe and sat beside him.

“I’ve always been jealous of the relationship you and Sapph had and felt that she has only been with me because you weren’t available. Her hearts always belonged to you Joe, no one else. I guess I was just holding on, in hopes that she would eventually love me first instead of second.” Sav choked, brushing a thick rough finger across his damp lash.

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