Chapter 15

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Joe sat up, leaning forward and rested his arms on his knees, thinking. “I love Kristine very much but you have a point. Maybe this thing Phil and I have for younger women is a part of a mid-life crisis episode.” He joked and shook his head.

“I think part of it, at least for someone like Phil but I can’t speak for him is that someday we might want children and that isn’t going to happen with me.”

“As for my priorities, I used to think I knew what I wanted from life but when you’ve gone from relationship to relationship like I have, you start to think that a lasting marriage just isn’t meant to be.”

“It took me nearly twenty-years to trust again after being married to that bitch Karla and then when Bobbie and I got together, I trusted her but not enough to marry her and I think we were together for so long because neither of us wanted to be alone. I loved Bobbie but knew from the start I’d never marry her.” Joe sighed heavily, rubbing the back of his neck with his palm.

Sav smiled and clapped Joe on the back. “I know you’ve had a tough time of it Joe and it must have been a shock to you to find out your best friend was in love with you. I don’t mean to make light of it Joe but if it weren’t for you bringing Sapph out here to be in your wedding, I’d never have fallen in love with her.”

Any other moment in time, Joe would not have thought twice about it and been happy for Sav and Sapph but this pained him and he felt guilt for the feelings he had for her. “I’m thinking about moving out for awhile and staying at my beach house.”

Sav’s eyes widened in surprise and he looked at Joe as if he had announced he was going to change the band to country. “Joe, are you sure? I mean from what you’ve told me, it doesn’t seem that serious of a problem between you and Kristine. Why do you want to move out?”

Joe shrugged and looked down at the floor. “I just want some time to think and like you said, get my priorities straight. Kristine knows this and she’s making plans to go back to the states for a couple of months. I am going to the beach house so I can walk on the beach when I want, it helps clear my head and there are no distractions.”

Sav sighed, pursing his lips with his fingers. “Joe, I know this is a bad time to ask but I have to go to London for about three days and I was wondering if you’d look out for Sapph for me? Sapph’s parents are arriving tomorrow to take the children for a week so she will be alone and I just feel better if she has someone to check on her.”

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