Chapter Twenty-three Getting In Contact With The Family

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"Blaine. Blaine. Why did you do this to me. Blaine. Blaine this all your fault. Blaine. Blaine." Said Cory. "Blaine!" Said Kurt waking Blaine up. "Cory!" (Blaine yells and wakes up.) "Blaine. Blaine it's just me." (He clams down.) "O." "Are you ok? Your sweating." "Yeah, it's just hot in here. What did you find out about his family?" "Well after Cory died his mom and dad divorced. His father got custody of his older brother Stephen and his mom got custody of his younger sister Elisabeth." "Yeah I think I remember his older brother Stephen. He was just a couple years older then us." "It says here that his 24, married and has a son on the way. O and guess what." "What?" "He lives in New Jersey just out side of New York." "I I" "What Blaine?.... I thought this is what you want it." "I. I did....but." "But what?" "I. I just don't want to bother them." "You said you wanted to tell them." "I know. I do. Why are you helping me with this? I mean shouldn't you be helping me remember you?" "I decided that I should let you do that your self. Right now I want to help you with what you need help with." "Thank you." "No need to thank me." "So where does his dad live?" "In his old house in Lima Ohio." "That's so far away." "Wait.." "What?.." "It says here on him website that he's going to be in NewYork for a book signing next week." "Awesome. I think I need to talk to his brother. What's his number?" "Here. I'll leave the room." "No, (he grabs his hand.) I need you to stay here with me." "Ok." "Ok?" "Ok." (He calls.) "Hello?" Said Stephen. "Hey um is this Stephen?" "Yeah, look kid if this is a prank call.." "It's not. It's not....this. This is Blaine Anderson. I use to be best friends with your brother." "Blaine?" "Yeah, it's me." "I remember you. I haven't heard you from you for years, except for the Broadway shows you've been in. Congrats dude." "Thanks." "I also heard you married a guy named?" "Kurt. Kurt Humble." "You two must be so happy. I always new there was something special about you Blaine." "Yeah." "Why did you just stop by or something?" "I. I can't. I'm in the hospital." "Wow. What happened?" "The doctors don't know. They think it might be a stroke of some kind. I've been forgetting things and remembering things. Like Cory. I've been having nightmares." "Again?" "Yeah, I don't know why their back. It's it's awful." "Yeah. What hospital are you at?" "A hospital in New York City." "Wow,  your famous. Cory always know you were. He thought you two would become famous together." "Yeah." "Is it alright if I fly to New York and see you?" "Why?" "I really want to talk to you. And make sure your feeling better. You know you were like a second brother to me." "Thanks, and yeah sure. But isn't your wife do soon?" "Not for another 2 months." "Ok. Thank you. I can't wait to see you." "You too man. See you soon." "Bye." "Bye"

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