Chapter Seventeen (part two)

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Chapter Seventeen Part Two

"Neymar? What are you doing here?"

His eyes were bloodshot, his hair was tousled as if he ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. And most importantly, his eyes weren't gleaming with joy like usual. It was sad. The type of sadness that made your heart clench.

"I... I told myself I wouldn't come here, but I had to." He slurred.

"I'll call a taxi for you." I said.

He sloppily shook his head. "I really don't want Mariana seeing me in this state."

"Then... I guess you can sleep in the guest room."

I ignored the fact that he had a reason to come here. Deep down I knew what he was going to say, but a part of me doesn't what him to say anything relating to it.

He nodded. "I'll grab you some water, then I'll show you where the guest room is."

I left him standing by the front door, and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a cup, and waited for the cup to fill.

I could hear footsteps walking towards me, but I had kept my focus on the cup. I felt an arm reach out for me. I turned around and in a matter of seconds, his lips were on mine. Even though the kiss surprised me, I didn't pull back right away.

I leaned back and looked into his eyes, touching each side of his face with my hands. I caressed his jaw with my thumb. His expression was heartbreaking.

"I'm in love with you, Cassandra," He paused. "I'm not saying this because you're my daughters mum, but I'm saying this because I hate seeing you with guys that aren't me. When I was on social media and I saw everybody tagging me in news articles with you and Sergio, my heart shattered. I couldn't handle seeing you with him. Call

me selfish but I just want you all to myself."

I was speechless. I removed my hands from his face and looked away. I couldn't look him in the eye, only because I didn't know what to say. What do you say when a guy confesses their love for you? 'Okay?' I obviously couldn't say that. It would come out as if I didn't care.


"You don't have to say anything, I just wanted you to know." He interrupted.

"I'll show you the room." My voice was starting to sound less confident.

My mind was so out of focus, I hadn't even given him his water.

Thank god my apartment wasn't that big, or it would have been an awkward walk. "Um here's your room. My rooms over there."

I started walking away, until Neymar called out my name.

I looked back. "Thank you."

I nodded and gave him a small smile. "It's nothing. You should get some rest."

The short walk to my room was awfully painful. I wanted to be in that room with him. I wanted to have a nice talk with him. I wanted to forget about everything else.

This an awful love triangle. Neymar and Sergio? I didn't want to pick, I didn't want to hurt the other. If only I hadn't move to Barcelona this all wouldn't happen. But then again, if I hadn't, I wouldn't of met all these amazing people in my life.

And I truly meant it. They are amazing.


Last night was the worst sleep I had ever gotten. My mind was spinning with thoughts, thoughts that couldn't be forgotten.

The only reason I had the courage to drag myself out of bed was the smell of waffles.

My breath hitched at the sight in front of me. Neymar was glistening with water from head to toe. The water from his hair dripped down slowly to his body and onto the perfect abs he had. The sight of his well defined and, obviously worked out body, made me quiver.

I hadn't realized that I had been staring until Neymar laughed. Oh god that laugh.

"If you're enjoying this so much, why don't you post a picture for the Neymarzetes to enjoy too."

I scoffed. "What's there to enjoy? I sure as hell don't get turned on by ribs."

He laughed. "Babe, it's more muscles then ribs."

He flexed and I swear I could hear an Angel moan at the sight of that.

"Fuckboy." I whispered.

"Fuck– what?"

I shook my head. "Search on Urban Dictionary."

"Urban what?"

I stared at him. "Step up your game Mr. Santos."

He laughed at me as if I was joking. "Anyways since I'm not the worlds greatest cook, I ordered us breakfast. Hence the smell of waffles."

"How sweet of you." He pulled out a chair for me, and as I sat down he brought over a plate full of waffles.

I took a bite, not caring that I hadn't brushed my teeth yet. I was to hungry to care. "This is fucking amazing."

He nodded in agreement, and took a bite himself. "There was a reason why I got breakfast from there."

I laughed and continued eating. It was somewhat a quiet breakfast. When we were about done, Neymar finally spoke.

"Do you wanna have dinner tonight? Me, you and Mariana."

I mentally cursed. I couldn't go, as much as I wanted too. I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. One day it would be Sergio's, and the next, Neymar's. Why couldn't I make up my mind.

I knew the next few words was going to crush Neymar. "I'm sorry I can't go tonight?"

"You're going out with him tonight aren't you?" Neymar seethed. His jaw was clenched and I could see it working under his skin.

I nodded slowly, not making any eye contact with him.

"I gotta go. I'm almost late for training." He slowly set down his fork and got out of the chair.

"I thought you didn't have training today."

"I lied." Then he disappeared into the room.

I had hurt him, really badly. I hated seeing the disappointing look he had in his eyes when I told him I couldn't go. It was impossible to shut either of them down.

Neymar stormed into the room wearing the outfit from the day before. He gave me a blank look and said, "Bye."

Then he walked out, without giving me another glance.

I was going to post this yesterday but I messed something up and had to rewrite it, but it's finally posted.
not edited

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