Chapter One

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Chapter One

"You have to go!" Melissa shouted, getting out of her seat. "You've been hiding out in this house for so long. Go out and have some fu-"

"Can you not talk any louder! " I glared at the brown haired women, interrupting her, "Do you know how long it took to put Mariana to sleep."

I glanced at the baby monitor that was standing on the coffee table and awaited for the screeching 3 week old baby. Melissa was wide eyed and mouthed "sorry".

I let out a relieved sigh when there wasn't a sign of any screaming. "No I'm not going."

"WHAT!" I glared at her again, then pointed to the stairs. "What!" She whispered this time.

"Is this because he'll be there." She smirked.

"What? No. I doubt he'll even remember me. He doesn't even know he was a daughter!" I said fiddling with the necklace on my neck.

Melissa started laughing. "Mel! Shut up"

"He describes you and I quote, best he had."

I rolled my eyes. "I cried when he told me it was a one time thing."

She shrugged. "That doesn't matter, and Gala needs another play date with Mari. But Cass you need to go, do it for Gala." She started scrolling through pictures of Gala and shoving the phone into my face. I couldn't resist Galas adorable face.

"Fine. I'll go."

Melissa started clapping in excitement. "Yes!"

I rolled my eyes at my childish best friend. Then a screeching noise left the baby monitor. I groaned and turned to Melissa. "Fuck you."


I rocked the tiny little girl in my arms. Even though she was a mistake, she is the best mistake I've made.

She started giggling when I started making faces at her. "She'll look good with Neymars jersey one." Melissa winked.

I threw the closet thing I could find, which was a giraffe, and of course with a baby in my arms, my aim was way off and it didn't hit her sadly. "You're lucky she isn't a grouchy baby."

She laughed. "Anyways I'm heading home now, Marc has training before tomorrow's game and now I have to go back and watch my baby." Mel came over and kissed Mariana on the forehead. "Bye sweet cheeks."

"What about me?"

"No you don't deserve a bye until I see you at the game tomorrow." She waved her hand then walked out. A few minutes later she walked back in. "On the second thought, I'm picking you guys up tomorrow, just so you don't back out last minute like last time." She walked away again.

I shook my head that girl.

I looked down and Mariana was asleep again. I grinned and set her back down in the crib.

She reminds me so much of her father. Mariana even sleeps the way Neymar does. Everything about her  reminds me of him.

Sure to him I'm the girl who cried after a one night stand. But for some odd reason that night was special to me.

That night everything happened so fast. One drink lead to another, then Mariana happened.

Melissa was the first one I had told. When she found out who the father was, she couldn't stop smiling. Mel even wanted to plan our marriage. But when I had told her it was only a one night stand, she had a major plan to get us together and be one happy family.

Like that's ever gonna happen.

When I first found out I was pregnant, my first instinct was what the hell am I gonna do. I was ready to go to college and become my dream job, a surgeon. But becoming a surgeon and having a baby on the way doesn't go together.

My parents weren't angry nor happy. They were more confused. "My daughter, the one who hates partying and hanging out with friends is pregnant. How can this be?" Those were there exact words.

My answer was, " I have no idea."


Honestly I was so not excited for tomorrow. It wasn't because I was seeing Neymar again, not that he would notice or remember me, but it was taking Mariana to a very loud and crowded match. 

The only time she has been close to a huge crowd was when I took her to the shopping center and there was this huge sale.

Mariana isn't a very shy baby. She's really outgoing and loves it when new people hold her. The only time she'll cry is when she's tired, hungry, needs a change, when somebody interrupts here nap or when she's force to take a nap. Which is why she's so hard to put to sleep. All she wants to go is play and play.

She is very hyperactive for a 3 week old.

Tomorrows gonna be so exciting.


I finally posted this chapter even though it's kinda boring but ya now it should get better .

Anyways next update tomorrow maybe?

But have a nice day byee

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