Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

"Can I come in?"Neymar asked quietly.

I nodded and moved out the way so he could come in. "Do you need anything?"

"I need answers."

I meant if he wanted anything to drink, but I guess not. "Ask away."

"Why?" He whispered.

I sat on the couch, while he paced around the room. "I can't answer anything if you keep walking back and forth."

Neymar went over to a chair and sat down. "Tell me why you didn't tell me about our daughter and you can't make the excuse of not knowing how to contact me because you are obviously best friends with Melissa and I see her every week."

The way he said our daughter really hit me. It felt like a bullet hitting me in the chest. I didn't know what to say.

"I-I." I paused. "I didn't want to be the reason why you had to go back to Brazil and miss out on being playing with Barcelona."

I had met Neymar in Brazil. When I found out that I was pregnant with his baby, it so happened that he was leaving Brazil in a week. I could have waited until he settled in Barcelona and tell him, but I ended up not telling him.

"But you're here now." He said.

When I was accepted to the University of Barcelona Medical School, I was a very excited. I moved to Barcelona a few weeks later. That meant I could now tell Neymar. But he started getting more known, and to him I would be just one of those fans who wants him to be theirs.

I didn't realize how stressful medical school was,

Well I knew it was stressful but not so overwhelming. All the test, studying and stressing out, caused me to have a miscarriage scare. I had no idea that would have such a huge affect on me.

When Melissa found out, she immediately made to dropout. I was made at her for weeks, and I continued to go. But then I had another miscarriage scare. That's when I realized she was right, I had to dropout. I was risking my baby's life for my dream career.

I dropped out a few days later and I spent most of my time in the house and hanging out with Melissa. Without school, I had nothing to be in Barcelona for. I was planning on moving be to Brazil, but Melissa refused to let me go. 

"Do you realize how hard it is to tell a guy you barely know you're having their child." I snapped. "It's even harder when their a famous footballer."

He looked down. "You know, I would've been there for you." Neymar said, still looking at his shoes,"I would have been there for you when you were having pregnancy cravings, when you were emotional, and when you were in labor. I would've flown to from Barcelona to Brazil just for you. Hell I could've even moved you to Barcelona."

I couldn't look at him in the eye, when he looked up. Neymar's eyes were stained with tears. I looked around the room avoiding eye contact with him.

I didn't realize tears were falling out of my eyes until a salty liquid landed on my lips.

We still hadn't spoken, I eyed him in the corner of my eyes and he was still looking down.

"Can I see her." It was more a statement then a question.

I turned and looked at him, his tears were gone and the only evidence he was crying was his red eyes.

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