Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

I was woken up by the constant ringing and dinging of my phone, and who would be that lovely person calling at 7 in the morning?

Melissa Jimenez.

She rang again 2 seconds later.

"What the hell do you want." I grumbled into the phone.

"Rise and shine!" Melissa yells, making me wince and pulling the phone away from her ear, then continuing to hear her talk, "You remember what today is?"

"How about I forgot." I said in my most monotone voice. 

"Oh quit pretending you're not excited." She teased, "Mari gets to see her papai today."

I rolled my eyes, "Like he'll know who she is. To him she's just a random little babygirl.l"

"Stop being so negative, and maybe you should just you know.. Tell him about Mariana.." Melissa suggested.

Her she goes again. Melissa had always wanted me to tell Neymar he was going to be a papai as soon as I found out I was pregnant with his child. But I figured that would be selfish of me. He was just starting out his career and I didn't want to be the reason he has to put a hold on it.

"Mel, you know I can't do that. He'll probably think I'm some gold digger."

I heard her sigh, " Whats gonna happen when Mari ask wheres her papai? You're not gonna say 'Oh sweetie he's away at work' are you? That's not gonna last very long."

"I know."

"Okay enough of this, I'm gonna be at your place in 10 to help you get ready." Melissa says.

"You know that's not necessary." I told her.

"If I don't help you, you're never gonna leave."

She was right. "Fine, I'll see you later, bye."

Melissa hung up.

I groaned realizing I would have to get up and get ready. I sat up and sat up straight, and decided I could rest my eyes for a little bit, just a little. Just as I was about to lay back down, the sound of crying circled the room. I groaned once again.

I quickly got out of bed and went to the room next door where Mariana was sleeping.

Mariana was in her crib crying her eyes out, but the crying quickly ceased as soon as she saw me towering over the crib.

"What's wrong sunshine? Are you hungry." I cooed.

I carried her into the kitchen and got her bottle. As I was waiting for the bottle to finish heating up, the doorbell started ringing.

I opened the door, and behind the door was Melissa and Gala. "Hi Gala. How are you today cutie." I shook her little hands lightly. "Hey Mel."

She set her bag on the couch and went over to where I was standing. "Has the princess awaken." She started stroking Marianas cheek with one hand and the other holding Gala. "Hey Miss Grumpy." She laughed.

"Not funny, Miss superhappyforeverything." I spoke back.

She glared at me. "Here I'll watch Mari while you get her bottle."

I nodded and waited for Melissa to sit on the couch. I sat Mariana on Melissa's lap and went back to the microwave.

I made sure the bottle was just right before walking back to where the 3 girls were sitting.

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