Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

"I can't be with him," I whispered, keeping my eyes on the ceiling

Currently Melissa and I are laying on my bed and having a very interesting talk.

Melissa flipped to lay on her side. "Why not. You smile whenever you talk to him on the phone, and don't get me talking about when you're actually with him."

"I do not."

Melissa went back to laying on her back. "You love him."

"Mel, I just met him. I can't fall in love with someone I just met."

"Sweetheart, it's called love at first sight." She laughed.

"Which isn't real."

"What happened when Mari was conceived was love at first sight."

I sat up and shook my head." It was a one night stand, Mel."

She snorted. "Neymar doesn't just pick random girls to sleep with. He only sleeps with them if he has an attraction, and he obviously has an attraction to you." She got off the bed. " You two are meeting again from Brazil to Barcelona. If that isn't fate that you two should be together, then I don't know what it is."

"I stil– "

Melissa pointed a finger at me. "Don't even try an argue."

I put my hands in surrender. "Alright then."

"We should have girls night." Melissa suggested, when we walked into the kitchen.

I gave Melissa a pointed look. "There's no one to look after Mari."

"Neymar can. He needs some father daughter time anyw— "

She was interrupted when my phone started ringing. "I call it fate."

I rolled my eyes and answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey, Cass. I was wondering if you could bring Mari over, so you know, we can have some father daughter time."

I smiled, and at that exact time, Melissa pointed her finger at me and whispered, "You love him."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, that'll be great. I'll see you in a few then."

"Great! See you later."

"Yup. Bye." I hung up.

I prepared myself for what Melissa was going to start talking about.

"You so love him." She teased.

"I do not!" She laughed. "Now help me get Mari's things."

Waking Mariana up was nearly impossible. It's like trying to steal honey from bees. Impossible.

We left the house an hour later.

"What the hell. That was like trying to wake up a bear from hibernation," Melissa said. "She is totally Neymar's daughter."

I laughed. "This is why I never wake her up, and she was sleeping past her lunch time, which never happens."

I looked back and looked at the mirror that was hanging on the seat. Mariana was fast asleep. She is nearly impossible.

The car ride to Neymar's house was full of laughter, and singing. We were surprised Mariana didn't wake up because of all the noise.

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