Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

I couldn't believe that Rafaella, Neymar's younger sister, had heard everything. This is not how everything is suppose to happen.

Melissa quickly pulled Rafaella into the room and shutting the door quickly. "Rafa promise me you won't tell anyone what you just heard. I'm begging."

I still hadn't processed what had happened. All I could do was stare at Rafaella. Her expression says it all. She's hurt and confused with a slight anger on her face.

"Why.. Why didn't you tell me? You made me sound so stupid earlier." Rafaella said, with her voice sounding softer each time.

I still couldn't speak. I still could only stare. Staring seems like the only thing that seems to be working for me.

"I-I'm sorry." I whispered.

"I don't need your apology. I just need an explanation." She begged.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Do.. do you want me to leave you guys to talk?"

I shook my head. "It's fine Mel. You already know everything."

"Rafa. You should sit." I told her, with more confidence.

She nodded and went to go sit by Mariana.

Melissa gave me an encouraging smile, and I gave her a small smile back. 

"Rafa, I realize how confused you might be. How hurt you can be feeling that I had been hiding this since I've met you this morning," I paused. "But what you heard was right. Mariana is Neymar's daughter."

"Why. Why didn't you tell me." Rafaella said, not being her bubbly self.

"I knew how close you might be with your brother, and I knew how much it'll hurt you to keep a secret this big."

"You're damn right this will hurt me. Mariana is part of my brother. Neymar help create her. He brought her to this world, and you're keeping this from him. You're keeping him from knowing he created a person, he brought a person to this world. You're keeping it from him." Rafaella said.

"I know, I am. When I found out I was pregnant, I really wanted to tell him. But I couldn't. He had just got himself a spot on Barcelona. This is huge for him. If I had told him, he would have put his focus all on our baby, and not his dream." I told her.

My vision started getting cloudy. Next thing I knew it, I was full on sobbing. "I-I just thought what I was doing was right."

Rafaella wrapped her arms around me. "It's not your fault. You wanted to do what's best for Mariana and Neymar."

My tears slowly started drying on my face. Then there was a knock on the door and the door started opening. Melissa quickly ran over and blocked the door from opening any more. "Yes?"

"Is everything all right in there?" A voice I recognized to be Neymar's said.

"What.. Yes it is. You can go now." Melissa said quickly.

"And why can I come in?" Neymar questioned.

"Because the babies are sleeping and we're having girl talk now shoo." Melissa shut the door before letting him reply.

"Continue." Melissa said.

Rafa and I slowly started separating from each other's hold. "Rafa please promise me you won't tell him, just now yet anyways."

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