Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

"Shes Neymars daughter is she?"

Melissa gasped behind my back, and I froze.

I let out a nervous laughter. "Whaaaaat." I said dragging out the 'a'.

Rafaella started laughing. "You both look like I exposed one of your biggest secrets."

If only she knew.

Melissa and I both let out fake laughs. "You sure got us."

My phone decided to start buzzing. I check the flashing screen, and it was a message from Melissa.

"We need to tell her. She's a very smart girl. Once she starts connecting the dots, she'll get to the conclusion. It would be even worse for Neymar to find out from his younger sister that he has a daughter."

I looked up from the screen and check to see if Rafaella was watching us, and she wasn't. She was taking pictures with Mariana.

"We can't." I whispered to Melissa.

"Why not? Her knowing wouldn't won't hurt right?" She whispered back.

"Because if she finds out, she'll tell him. From what I can tell, there both very close. She can't know right now. I'll tell her when I'm ready for him to find out, so for the time being, she can't know." I said.

"She can't know what? Rafaella curiously asked us.

"Uh. She can't kn-" Melissa and I were both interrupted by the sound of fans yelling in excitement.

I looked down at to see what all the screaming was about. The players were leaving the tunnel and onto the field.

"The matchs starting." Rafaella said.

I still don't see why this is all exciting.


I was wrong. The fútbol is exciting. Why didn't I watch this before.

The whole time I was on the edge of my seat every time the ball got near a goal box. The score was 3-1 Barcelona with three of course. Neymar made a goal, then Suárez and then the final goal was Messi.

I had met some of the other WAGS. Antonella was friendly and she wanted to hang out. Meeting Shakira was a whole different story. I couldn't stop grinning and I had this over excessive smile on my face. It was like I was high on drugs.

"See I told you it was going to be fun." Melissa smirked.

I turned and faced her, "I never said anything about this being fun."

She made a 'are you for real face'. "Then explain the freaking out when Arsenal scored a goal? Or when we scored?"

"I was being supportive." I lied.

"Sure you were." Melissa laughed.

Mariana was in Rafaellas arms the entire time, and every time I offered to hold her, Rafa would say no and that she enjoys her company.

"We're having a celebration dinner tonight, and I was thinking you should come and join us." Rafaella said, when we were about to head out.

I froze. Neymar was going to be there, he was involved in the win so of course he would be there. I couldn't see him again. The more he sees my face the more he'll realize who I am. Maybe if I make an excuse then I wouldn't have to go.

"I don't think I can make it. I have nobody to watch Mariana." I said.

"She can come. Theres gonna be a whole bunch of kids there tonight and she can make some friends at a very early age." She grinned.

I let out a fake laugh. "That's great. I'll see you there."

She handed me back Mariana. "Great! I'll see you later, bye."

When she left, I turned and faced Melissa. She looked slightly scared. "Look what you did!"

"I didn't know this was going to happen! If I had knew this would happen, I wouldn't of asked you to come." Melissa said. "He probably won't even remember. Neymar isn't very good at remembering things."

"This is so bad." I blurted.

"Remind me to never take you to another Barca game."

I nodded my head. "Agreed."

We headed to the locker rooms. Melissa wanted to congratulate Marc on the win.

I stood by the door waiting for Melissa and Gala to come out. I slightly prayed that what happened before the game wouldn't happen again. But my prayers weren't answered when Neymar walked out.

"Hey! It's you again." He grinned.

"Yup.. It's me..." I gave him a small smile.

"Waiting for Melissa again?" Neymar asked.

"Yeah." This is getting extremely awkward

He came over and stood in front of me and looked down at Mariana in my arms.

"She does look like me."

This is slightly shorter, but I really wanted a chapter posted today.
The next chapter should be longer, and less boring. But somethings gonna happen really soon.
But remember to vote
and follow me for more.
(not edited)

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