#Chapter 30: And you know it I fainted again.

ابدأ من البداية


(Allison's Pov)

"That was lovely ally babe!" That asshole breathed in my ears.

He went in for another kiss, but I turned my head away. I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek and knew that he had slapped me again. I have no energy anymore. I was repulsed of myself. I couldn't live my life anymore. Every part of my body screamed pain. I screamed so loud the whole time, but nobody came to my rescue. I felt numb and my tears are all dried up.

I felt his dirty hands on my waist, pulling me closer to him. No, no more. I'm going to kill myself. He smirked and kiss full on my lips. Suddenly a loud sound was heard, followed by the sound of shooting guns. He finally broke the nauseating kiss and I breathed out in slight relief. He sighed and let go of me, pushing me aside. I fell on the rough ground, and hissed in pain.

"Ah wells duty calls! See you again ally babe!" He cooed at me, blowing me kisses before he went out of the room without forgetting to lock the door.

I stared at my ripped clothes across the room. I'm stripped of my dignity. I had little to no clothing that's covering my specific body parts.  I looked around the room, searching for a way to escape. I need to get out!!!

The sound of gunshots stopped and I put my head down with no hope. I pulled myself up, but fell back down. My whole body became numb. I rolled myself in and try as hard as I can to cover myself to at least a certain decency. The pain was too intense that not a minute later I plunged into the darkness, but before that I heard the door to my room slammed open.

All I have to hope now is that he's not back for round 2.


(Blake's Pov)

On my way to the house, my mind was all over the place. How did he even have a heart to even commit such crimes? My dear mother was killed by him, her own husband, my own father! I gripped the handles of my motorcycle harder till my knuckles turned white and accelerate through the empty road.

Once reached, I pounded on the door rapidly. The door was opened and I met with Jeremy. I didn't even let him a chance to speak before sliding past him into the living room. I sat down, throwing my keys onto the table.

"Blake? Alright there mate?" He cautiously questioned.

"FUCKING HELL!" I kicked the coffee table in front of me, causing it to slide and flipped to the its front which results in the glass shattering.

"DAMN IT BLAKE! Chill and talk! No rash actions!" Jeremy bellowed before massaging his forehead.

"BRODY RYDER!" I screamed his name in full disgust.

"What has your dad, dead dad got to do with this whole thing? You said you know who is the murderer.... It couldn't be what I think right?" Jeremy's face turned from confusion to anxiety.

"That's right my dead dad is the murderer except that it's now just Brody Ryder to me." I sighed, rubbing the grown hairs under my chin.

I can't take the whole situation at this moment. It is a lot for me to take in. Without me knowing, I felt a wet substance on my face. I brushed it off. After so long, I'm crying not only for this surprising news, but for everything, my mother, Tanya, my sister, and that good-for-nothing Jennifer. I clenched my hands into fists, trying to control my emotion.

"You've it hard buddy. We will help you get your justice! I have your back bro! No matter what happens, you know that I will always side you, bro!" Jeremy said, before slapping me on my back.

I laughed out loud and thank god for at least giving me something in my life. A brother that will be there for me no matter what.  I then shocked myself with the words I uttered.

"Thank you Jeremy."

Jeremy went still for a second, probably not believing that I have uttered those words, "golden words" before beaming.

"What was it? I can't hear you... Mind repeating once more?" He teased.

" I said ThankyouJeremy!" I mumbled as fast as I can.

"What was it??" He laughed.

"Don't push it Jeremy..." I warned him, keeping my face straight.

My lips betrayed me and I smiled which ended up in me and Jeremy laughing in uncontrollable fits.

Our blissful atmosphere ended only a few minutes before the door was slammed down. As in the door broke and fall off the hinge.

"WHAT THE FUC- KING??!! BIG DADDY??!!" Both of us exclaimed in shock. King and Big Daddy were accompanied by their men, which I might as well say, a whole community if you get what I mean.

Now, now when did we have a party that we don't even know about?


Alright!! Like finally I'm not lazy and started writing it once more!! Well to be honest I don't know how to continue the story and only got the idea today so the reason why this chapter:)

Anyways enjoying the chapter! As usual, READ, COMMENT and VOTE! Bye my fellow readers;)


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