Chapter 1

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I walked upstairs with Pete behind me when I woke up.  I held his hand tightly and nervously.  After two weeks of waiting it was time to tell my mom I was getting married.  This way I could wear my ring without worrying.  My grandparents were there too.   They all looked at us.  Pete looked down at me.

"I-I have to tell you guys something" I said.  They all looked at me with the same nervous face I was wearing at the moment.  I was wearing my ring so maybe they'd just put two and two together.  I waited for a minute staring at my ring.  No.  Of course not.  I took a deep breath "I-I've agreed to marry Pete" My mom dropped the glass in her hand but Pete grabbed it before it hit the floor.  Everyone stared at him in shock of how quickly he moved.  I felt even more nervous now.  He handed the glass back to my mom.  She looked at him.

"Thank you" she said monotone.  He moved back over to me.  "Y-you're getting married?  At 18?  Patrick you're still in high school!"

"I'll be finished next week.  Mom, I wanna marry him.  I love him.  A lot.  I'm 18 I should be allowed to do this"

"I'm not saying you're not.  I'm just asking you to think this through a bit.  You're so young"

"I have thought it through.  I love him.  I wanna marry him.  I know I'm young but I could still go to college and do as I please when I'm married" She nodded. 

"W-well, if it's what you really want.  I'm happy for you" she said.  My grandparents nodded and smiled.

"We should have a dinner to celebrate.  And we can invite the family and tell them" My grandmother said.  I looked up at Pete.  He looked down at me and smiled.  I smiled back then looked at the pair.

"I think we'd like that" I said.  They smiled.
We took a walk before the dinner.  It was somewhat last minute but everyone wanted to come.  Mainly cause they told them they had an announcement.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm about to announce to my entire family that I'm marrying a one hundred thirty seven year old vampire at the age of 18.  Well, minus the vampire part.  I'm a little bit nervous"

"A little bit?  You're shaking like a leaf" He frowned.  I shrugged.

"At least I can wear my ring around now.  I hate taking it off" I stared at it as it glistened in the sun.  It put a small smile on my face. 

"I'm glad you like it.  I figured you'd kill me for getting you something too big and expensive and you deserved more than just a shitty cheap ring so I went a little in the middle"

"You could have proposed with a fruit loop and I would have been happy.  Then I would've eaten the fruit loop" he laughed.

"I kind of wish I would have been a bit more romantic" we walked into the woods.  "I mean, I wanted it to be a proper proposal"

"I think it was perfect" He shrugged.  I laughed and took the ring off.  I handed it to him.  "Well, if it bothers you that much, here's your second chance" He smiled at me.  He got down on one knee and grabbed my hand.  I giggled at him. 

"Don't laugh you're making me nervous" he said.

"You already know my answer!" I laughed.  He smiled.

"Shush let me do this" He said.  I nodded and smiled down at him gently.

"God you're beautiful" he whispered.  I blushed and he smiled wider.  "Okay.  Patrick Martin Stump, words cannot begin to describe my love for you.  You've turned me into a soulless person with a soul.  Your beautiful heart took my broken, and disgusting heart and turned it into something amazing.  Your heartbeat is what I march too.  Your smile is my happiness.  I wanna spend forever listening to you laugh and watching you smile.  I wanna be the reason you keep going when you think you can't.  Most importantly, I wanna stay by your side till the end.  Will you marry me?" he asked.  I bit my lip as tears fell down my cheeks.  I nodded sniffling.

"Yes" I whimpered.  He slid the ring onto my finger "Dammit you asshole you made me cry" He laughed at me.

"I'm sorry" he said.  He kissed my cheek gently.  I hugged him tightly. "Did I do okay?"

"I'm glad I gave you that second chance" I said.  My tears soaked his shirt. 

"Jeez Patrick I didn't mean to make you cry"

"It's a good cry" He hugged me back. 

"Its a good cry?" he asked.  I nodded.  "Well, that's acceptable then" I laughed.
When I calmed down we walked back hand in hand. 

"So who can I expect to meet at this dinner?" he asked.

"A bitchy aunt.  A nice aunt.  The always drunk uncle but I love him.  Another uncle I kind of hate.  Two girl cousins.  Two boy cousins.  My dad and his girlfriend"

"Your dad?"

"And my moms new boyfriend"

"Jesus.  A room full of blood how can I ever survive"

"What's gonna be your excuse for not eating?" I asked.  He shrugged.

"Too nervous to eat?" he asked.  We sat down on my grandparents front steps.  I laid my head on his shoulder.  I held my hand out in front of us.  He stared at me.

"It's so beautiful" I mumbled.

"Yeah.  You are" He said.  I blushed and looked up at him.  He kissed me.  I dropped my hand on his shoulder and moved it up to his cheek.  He pulled away with his eyes shut.  "I love the way you smell"

"Oh jeez here we go"

"Seriously you smell fucking amazing" I rolled my eyes and stood up.  "No wait don't leave me"

"Get up bloodsucker" I said.  He groaned.

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