Element Short Story

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Water, Air, Fire, and Earth... the four elements. Comment to receive one after your have read the description.


You are going to receive an element through comment. When you receive this comment you will create a short story about which ever element you receive. Your story doesn't have to have these supernatural occurances with these elements. If you receive Earth as your element then you could write about a camping trip or maybe you go hiking for the day and describe the beautiful mountians. Or if you receive Water, you can write about going fishing. It doesn't have to be one of these super cool adventure stories with Water Warriors. We are not telling you not to write that, because that sounds freaking awesome and we'd love to read about it! Do whatever pops into your creative minds first and go with it. 

•Word limit - up to 3,500. (we are going to keep this the same since it's a short story as well) 

Use your grammar skills to your best abilities.

•Follow all rules in chapter of: Rules and Rewards.

We got questioned about the word limit. We suggest the word limit to tell you how long we expect it to be. Most of the time we don't even receive entries that abide by the suggestion. As long as your entry isn't too far off from the word limit you're fine. Nobody can write 3,500 words exactly, if you do then you're awesome. But like with the 20 word horror story, that is mandatory, you had to have 20 words exactly, that's the challenge for a reason. Hope that explains the word limit thing.. if not just comment or PM us, we are always glad to clear things up for you.

You can send it to us by PM (this is a very irritating way of reading entries that are very long... hint hint) or you can create a book (we strongly recommend) and write it within a new chapter belonging to itself.

If you create a book to itself, or you may have a book already made and it may comply to the prompt, make sure to dedicate them to us or to tag us in it.

We are only accepting the first 20 entries. 

The due date right now is June 15, 2016 should be turned in by 10:00 PM US Eastern Time. This could change but if it does we will send out a message and update this contest.

Thank you to all participants!!

If you happen to have any questions at all or would like to suggest for the next contest feel free to PM us.

Thank you & Good Luck, Casey, Tara, and Hunt!

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