40 || Dreams or Reality?

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Chapter Fourty || Dreams or Reality?

P E R R I E   2   M O N T H S   L A T E R

Two months went by like that. The days were getting easier to handle, maybe because I chose to let go of something.

The days were also a lot easier to get through when you had an event to prepare for. The grand opening of Abraham Gold's museum was tonight and I was in the coffee shop with Eleanor decorating last minute cakes.

"Have you put the cookies to bake in the oven?" Eleanor asked as she simultaneously iced one cupcake and another.

"Done" I nodded, dusting my icing sugar filled hands on my apron. I checked the time on my phone and groaned, "Ugh! We still need to do our hair, makeup and get our clothes on!"

"I'm just going to throw that dress I wore for Liam's birthday on" Eleanor spoke quickly, concentrating on the new batch infront of her.

"Nice" I chuckled, "How many more cupcakes until your done?"

"Just got three left" she answered, sprinkling the mini cakes with icing sugar.

"I wonder if there will be any famous people tonight" I thought out loud, checking on the cookies in the oven.

"It's a grand museum opening in London. I doubt all the sophisticated celebrities from Beverly Hills even know about this one" Eleanor made a face.

"There are still famous people who live in London" I frowned.

"Like who?"

"Last time I heard Beyonce bought a 2 million house over here" I said.

"And Beyonce would totally want to go to a museum opening" Eleanor said, packing the cupcakes into a cardboard box, "Alright, let's leave these here and pick them up later after we've done our hair and makeup"

"Someone's stressing out" I raised an eyebrow as I followed her out of the shop.

"Sorry" She sighed, "I met Abraham Gold a week ago and he's sort of an ass. It's not like we're getting any extra pay rise for dealing with an idiot like him"

"That's a Barista" I shrugged, "You have to do things you seriously don't want to do, such as brewing coffee"

 We drove to Eleanor's apartment and helped eachother put our makeup on.

"I don't look Hollywood enough!" I muttered, retouching my mascara in the mirror.

"You look so chic!" Eleanor said as she placed the straightening iron around her hair, "And we're in London. You look London enough"

 You look London enough"

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"Are you sure? Do these feather earings match the ribbon in my hair? I hope this dress isn't too revealing-"

Eleanor laughed, "Why are you so nervous? It's a grand museum opening. There are like what, a hundred guests including paparazzi and the media. It's gonna be fine!"

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