32 ||Food Poisoning & Fortune Cookies

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Chapter Thirty-One || Food Poisoning and Fortune Cookies

A/N: Just to clear things up, please remember that every celebrity featured in this book has their 2014 looks, okay? Okay.


"What did you just say?" Harry's jaw dropped open, looking like a knife had just stabbed his chest.

I stared at him for a moment, trying to grasp what was actually happening. What the hell is going on? I only remember making love to Zayn, not Harry.

"Talk to me" Harry gritted his teeth, immediatley pushing himself off me.

"Harry I-"

"Zayn?" he stood across the bed, facing me. His face was really pale and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "How? What the hell, why?"

I felt my heart stop right at the moment, "Wait, you know Zayn?"

"Don't change the damn subject" Harry shouted, "Tell me why you just said his name. Are you cheating on me?!"

I could already feel the small beads of pure sweat form on my forehead. Harry would rarely shout at me, only when he was really, really, really infuriated, "Harry, it was a dream. Nothing more, nothing less"

"Nothing more?" he scoffed, beginning to pace around the room with his hands in his brown hair, "How could it be nothing more?! You mentioned his name whilst fucking me"

"Why are you acting like you know him" I asked quietly.

"That's not the fucking point at all Perrie!" he pointed his finger at me, his ring flashing lightly, "How could you possibly mention another guy's name when your with me? Please...I-you...I....ugh fuck it all!"

He sat down on the floor and buried his face into his hand, pulling his knees up to his stomach. I coudn't really tell if he was trying to hide his anger, crying, or was plotting ways to kill me, but he looked as though he was doing all three.

I knelt down besides him and hesitantly put my hand on his shoulder, "Baby, please believe me. It was a dream. It was nothing"

"How long has this been happening?"


"How long have you been dreaming of him, Perrie"

I looked into his deep green eyes and all I could see was pain, masked by tears that were about to fall, "This is the first time I have ever dreamt of him.."

I hated lying to Harry, but it was compulsory this time.

"Wow, really? So you were fucking him right away?" he snapped, "Don't even try to deny it, because you were moaning louder even before we started"

"Jesus, Harry, it was a dream!" I sighed, "It just happened!"

Harry got up and walks towards the bed, grabbing two pillows.

"What are you doing, Harry?" I rolled my eyes.

He turned around and sarcastically laughed, "Its okay, Perriewinkle. You keep fucking this dream guy and don't give a damn about me. I'm sleeping on the couch"



"Harry do you know  Zayn? Why do you keep talking of him like that?"

He hissed, leaning against the living room door "Do you know Zayn?"

"Harry please.." I begged, "I really need you to answer me"

Finding Zayn >> p.e/z.m (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now