34 || Nightmares & Final Chances

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Chapter Thirty-Four || Nightmares and Final Chances


You know how dreams go from one story to another so darn quick? Well, that happened three times tonight. After my weird candy incident with Zayn, the next thing I knew I was sat in his car, driving around the city normally.

"So, Perrie, I was thinking" Zayn spoke up as he kept one hand on the wheel whilst the other hand was every so often filling his mouth with crisps, "Since my mum won't stop bugging me about my house theme, I should give it a new look. New color scheme, new interior, new everything. What d'you say?"

"Hmm" I blinked. Just a second ago I was crying in a puddle of chocolate, and now I was sitting in his Audi. I mean, what sorcery is this? It was giving me a headache.

"Earth to Perrie" he took his eyes off the road for a second to glance at my face, as he waved his hand infront of it.

"Oh, sorry" I mumbled, "I just..uh..spaced out. What were you saying?"

"I was talking about giving the house a makeover" he said, "She needs a re-do"

"It's the least I could do for my mum, poor baby" He added sarcastically.

"I actually like your house the way it is" I shrugged, "It looks beautiful even with the spray painted walls, and the paint splattered chic vibe. Maybe just fix it a bit, but retain it's natural look"

"Yeah, I could" He nodded.

"Where are we going?" I asked, as he turned left to a dark corner in the highway.

There was a sign that said 'Detour' but he drove straight past it. The surface beneath us outside  immediatley became rocky which caused me to sway a bit in my seat.

"This, Perrie, is how it is when you live without me" He coughed, sending a chill up my spine. The road was pitch black but the headlights managed to illuminate a bit of it. All I could see clearly were the shadows of the huge trees around us.

"What's with the sudden mood change?" I squeaked, shifting uncomfortably in my seat.

He glanced down towards his hand which were placed on the steering wheel, "I'm not sure if you've realised the impact I've made on your life, and the impact you've made on mine"

"I'm getting lost here, Zayn..."

"I'm going to show you how your life is when your with me" the car stopped, and all of a sudden it began to reverse fast, the rocks crumbling beneath it's tyres.

When we got out onto the highway, I noticed the sky was brighter and there was a massive flock of birds flying overhead. I breathed out in awe, sitting up in my seat to get a better view.

"This means freedom" he smiled, and I felt the car quicken with his words until we were speeding down the highway. His window was open and you could see his somewhat long hair being pushed back due to the wind.

"Woo!" He shouted at the top of his lungs, looking over at me, "This is fun, right?!"

I shook my head and held on tightly to my seatbelt, "No, it's dangerous Zayn, and your going to get a speeding ticket if you don't slow the hell down!" I could barely hear myself because of the strong sound of his wheels along with the wind.

"Party pooper" he pouted playfully.

"This sudden randomness is giving me a headache" I muttered, "Stop the car so we can talk seriously somewhere!"

To my surprise, he still continued to drive at full-speed. I felt like I was about to be thrown out of the car at any minute.

"I said stop the damn car!"

Finding Zayn >> p.e/z.m (EDITING)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن