14 || Betrayed & Hurt

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Chapter Fourteen || Betrayed & Hurt


"I love you too, Zayn" I mumured.

When I opened my eyes, I realised I was back in my bedroom, curled up in the sheets whilst hugging my pillow like crazy.

Shit there we go. Real life had to come ruin the perfect moment.

I shut my eyes and buried my head into my pillow, somewhat hoping I'd fall asleep again. After waiting a couple of minutes, I dragged myself out of bed. I was already awake, unfortunatley.

I rubbed my eyes and glanced at the red digits displayed on the clock besides me. It was half past one in the afternoon and of course I had overslept. When I was about to leave the room, I noticed there was a note left on my bedside table.

Hi Pezza,

You seem to be enjoying your sleep alot so I didn't awake you. I want you to meet me at the town hall at three, it's really important. There is breakfast on the table. I made beans on toast since I know how much you like your toast. I also restocked the green tea. See you at three,

Love you,

Harry xxx

Although I wanted to go and meet Harry this minute, I needed to go and see Niall at his bar, and since Harry wasn't home I felt more eager to do so.

I ran to the bathroom and took a quick shower, blow dried my hair, got dressed and ate probably half the breakfast on the table.

After brushing my teeth, I ran out of the apartment.

It still blew my mind that Niall's bar was right across the building to our apartment. Was it just a coincidence?

I pushed the front door open, almost slipping on the left over confetti and rose petals left over from last night's opening.

"Good Afternoon, is Niall in?" I asked a female bar-tender.

The place looked quite different when it wasn't in party mode. Instead of dance music, they were playing soft jazz. It wasn't really my cup of tea, but it was perfect for a bar.

There were already about twenty people in the bar, each either having drinks or slouching in one of the sofas, hunched over their laptops. This was probably the most laid back bar I've ever seen.

"Looking for me?" a soft irish voice chirped from behind me.

"Oh Hi!" I greeted enthusiastically, immediatley regretting it. I should tone down a bit, he might get the wrong message.

"Didn't think you'd show up" Niall raised an eyebrow, "You sorta ran off last night before I had a chance to talk to you"

I gave him an embarassed shrug, "It's a long story"

"I've got all day" He grinned, leading me to one of his fancy tables to the side.

I wasn't sure if I was prepared to tell Niall everything, but if he was from my dream then I should. But then, he could think I'm a lunatic and kick me out of the bar.

No Perrie, your not a lunatic.

But I don't want him to get the wrong idea and assume I fancy him. All I wanted to do was ask him if he knew someone called Zayn Malik.

I was so close. I just had to put these pieces of a puzzle together. Niall, however, was my first piece.

"I might have to try some of your amazing drinks first" I gave him an anxious smile.

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