26 || Therapy & Drunks Boyfriends

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Chapter 26 || Therapy and Drunk Boyfriends


I thought the day would never come that I would see a therapist, and here I am now, waiting for Dr Pinnock to arrive.

It had been a week since me and Harry had got back together and I was relatively happy. But whenever I was with Harry, I'd think about Zayn and that really fucked me up. I seriously believed I was going crazy, and that's why I agreed to meet Dr Pinnock today.

"Edwards?" I saw her assistant smiling down at me, "Perrie Edwards?"

"Yes, that's me" I mirrored her smile.

"Dr Pinnock will see you now" she said, holding the door for me.

I got up from my seat and gave her a small nod, "Thank you"

When I went through the double doors, I looked up to see Dr.Pinnock sat on a couch with notebook ready in her hand, "Hello Miss Edwards, please have a seat"

"Thank you" I mirrored her eager smile timidly, before sitting on the couch across and nervously playing with my fingers.

I spent the first few minutes telling her about the key aspects of my life, such as my job, myself, and even Harry. She was very friendly and caring, so I knew I could tell her anything and she'd understand.

"You came here to talk to me about some dream you were having, right?" She asked, brushing some of her dark wildy curled hair out of her face.

I nodded eagerly, "Uh yes, your a dreamworker aren't you?"

She laughed, "That's what they call it. I'm a dream therapist, who offers certain types of therapy for people having continuous dreams about the same happening. So tell me a little more about your dreams Miss Edwards"

I swallowed nervously, "Um okay, so it started happening about a month or so ago. I keep dreaming about the same specific guy, legitimately every night!"

"Does this guy have a name?"

"Uh, yes. It's Zayn"

"Okay, go on"

"What makes my dreams crazy is the fact they are continuous dreams, like a story playing in my mind. It's like I actually have a relationship with someone who only exists in my dreams" I explained.

"Are you aware that your dreaming whenever your with him, or not?" She asked softly, quickly jotting notes down on her paper-pad using a black biro.

"At first, I didn't. But then it didn't take me long to realise that I was. Now it's easy for me to tell whether I'm dreaming or not"

Dr Pinnock paused for a while, finishing off her notes before looking up at me, "This 'relationship' that you and Zayn share, is it friendly or-"

"No it's friendly, he's like my boyfriend" I blurted out, immediatley mentally stabbing myself, "Uh..I know it sounds a hell of a load complicated, but it truly isn't. I know it sounds like I'm cheating on my boyfriend in actual life, but is it really considered cheating when the person doesn't even exist?"

Dr Pinnock chuckled lightly, "As far as I'm concerned, your not cheating on anyone Perrie. But you need to ask yourself, do you genuinely love this person? I think that will give you the answer to whether your cheating on your boyfriend emotionally or not"

"See, I am a cheater!" I buried my face into my hands, wanting the ground to swallow me whole, "I just don't know why this is happening. I never knew my life would be so messed up to the point where I'm continuously cheating on my boyfriend emotionally with a person who doesn't even exist in real life!"

Finding Zayn >> p.e/z.m (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now