28 || Saviours & Inconsistent Dreams

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28 || Saviours and Inconsistent Dreams


"I don't give a fuck if it's dangerous! I'm staying here, with you, and that's final!"


"They're close!" I exclaimed, "Keep waving!"

Zayn put his hand infront of his face to prevent the raindrops from blurring his vision, "Is that..Niall?"

I squinted and soon realised that Niall was operating the sailboat, waving at us with another guy I didn't know.

"We've already called for help!" Niall shouted over the crashing of the ocean, "They'll be here in a while!"

Zayn closed his eyes and let out a sigh of relief, "Oh my god, thank you. Your a life-saver"

"You should go back!" I suggested over the wind at Niall, "It's not safe out here and the boat could capsise any minute now"

"Go back with him" Zayn  murmured in my ear, giving my hand a squeeze.

I frowned, looking at him, "I already told you I'm staying here with you, Zayn. I'm not changing my mind"

He ran a hand through his hair, shaking it every so often trying to shake the water out, "Shit, I don't know why I'm squeezing water out of my hair when it's still raining anyway"

"Your panicking too much" I rubbed my hand on his back soothingly, "Calm down"

"I can't" he sighed, pacing the deck back and forth, "The thing I love most is in danger because of my stupidity"

When I didn't answer, he walked over to me and tilted my chin up, "The thing meaning you"

I answered with a smile and he pecked my nose gently.

Before we knew it, we saw Niall's sailboat stopping alongside our sinking boat. Niall climbed onto our boat with the help of his friend, and then threw his soaked beanie back onto his boat's deck, "What happened here?"

"Mate, you seriously didn't have to come here" Zayn said, "It's not safe, and calling backup was already more than enough"

"No worries" Niall shrugged, flinging his backpack onto the floor, "You guys might have needed company in case something else happens"

"Like what?" I asked curiously.

"The boat may sink" Niall answered me, unzipping his backpack and taking out an apple, munching right into it.

"The boat is not sinking" Zayn declared, looking like he was about to throw up due to the anxiety, "And if it does, I blame my death on you both because I can't swim"

"Calm down, I was giving an example" Niall quickly assured, "We just have to wait patiently for the rescue boat before-"

He stopped to take a look at water seeping through the leak, "Before this boat gets filled with more water than it can hold"

And so we waited. Niall and Zayn just sat there on the deck, with their coats wrapped around their bodies as I joined them.

"Holy Mary, pray for me," I curled up in a ball, muttering prayers.

"Perrie, this is not some church session," Zayn rolled his eyes as Niall chuckled.

"Hail Hitler" Niall sang in a choir voice, causing Zayn to topple over in laughter.

"Both of you just shut up, you need Jesus" I glared at them both, continuing to rock back and forth whilst reciting prayers.

The next ten minutes were spent in silence. Ninety percent of the time we just kept looking back to check whether the rescue boat had arrived, but it hadn't. The wait felt like a lifetime.

Finding Zayn >> p.e/z.m (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now