38 || Disappearances & Regrets

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Chapter Thirty-Eight || Disappearances and Regrets


"He broke up with you because he found out that your in-love with someone from your dreams?" Louis sat in his wheelie chair, giving me the most bizarre look ever.

"Confusing, but yes, your right" I blew a strand of hair off my face, playing around with my nose hoop piercing. I had just finished crying my eyes out, and Louis didn't really not what to do apart from hand me tissues awkwardly.

"And I was this french guy? With the accent and everything?" I raised an eyebrow, "I don't even get how that's possible"

"Yeah, I know, but then a few dreams later you were a normal lad again. Oh, and did I mention the fact you were planning on asking out this canny lass..forgot the name"

Louis laughed, "Me? Canny Lass? Where are you getting all this from?"

"Nevermind" I bit my lip and shook my head, "They're just dreams"

A few minutes later Louis recieved a phonecall, so I let him do his job by taking my bags and heading home. When I finally arrived I got the exact feeling I thought I would feel - an empty house. I took my shoes off, remembering how they would always go next to Harry's boots-which were now not there anymore. My things were still there, but I knew Harry had already left.

Everything was sinking in now. I had just lost one of the most important people in my life and it was all my fault.

I slowly entered our bedroom - well my bedroom now. He had obviously taken all of his clothes, leaving one wardrobe completely empty. I immediatley snuggled under the sheets, tears uncontrollably pouring down my cheeks. You don't even realise you've messed up until everything comes crashing down.

I hugged my pillow tight and closed my eyes. Looks like crying myself to sleep is going to be a new habit..


I knew that looking for Zayn was the last thing I should be doing right now, knowing that I screwed everything up. But that was the thing, I felt so broken and hurt inside and I just knew his captivating smile and addictive personality would cheer me up.

I opened my eyes and found myself on a street. I immediatley recognised it as Regent Street - where Zayn lived. There were lots of people walking around, so I decided to look for Zayn. When I walked down the street, I realised there was a massive chunk of land missing - as though someone had just picked up a house and moved it to a different location.

It didn't take me long to figure out it was in fact Zayn's house that was missing.

I crossed the road and approached an old man who was reading a newspaper out in his front yard, "Excuse me sir, do you know where Zayn Malik has gone? He used to live opposite you, but his house has just disappeared. Maybe I'm on the wrong street or-"

"Zayn Malik?" He repeated, "There has never been a 'Zayn Malik' living on this street, neither has there ever been a house opposite mine. It has always been land"

"What do you mean?" I asked, "You must be mistaken sir, I've been here before and I'm almost positive that you are his neighbor"

"Dear, I really don't know what your talking about" He shook his head, "I've lived here for 50 years and haven't seen a single house opposite mine, neither has anyone called 'Zayn Malik' lived here"

"There has to be a mistake" I stepped back from the old man. I ran back onto the pavement, calling out Zayn's name as loud as I could - not caring if I made a few heads turn.

"Zayn!" I shouted.

My heart pounded fiercely in my chest, "Zayn, this isn't funny! Please show up now!"

I was waiting for that dark haired man with beautiful hazel eyes to pop out of nowhere and ask me to fly with him, but I was wrong.

All of a sudden a flash of lightning pierced through the skies as the sound of thunder filled the air. Upon instinct I covered my ears cautiously, jogging under a bus stop until everything became dark.

When I opened my eyes I realised I was in my room again, awake. I checked the time to see I had only been asleep for 10 minute. Maybe if I slept longer Zayn would show up!

Even though I didn't feel sleepy, I still went back to sleep and tried my best to doze off. It took a lot of tossing and turning before I finally fell into slumber.

In my next dream, I was in a sort of hall decorated with tinsel. There were alot of people in it, including people I knew, like Liam, Eleanor and I swear I even saw my boss - Jesy.

"Have you seen Zayn?" I asked Eleanor, who came up to me with a glass of wine.

"Who's Zayn?" She frowned.

I ignored her question and pushed myself through the crowd, "Zayn?!"

"Woah, babe, who are you looking for?" Liam asked, stepping infront of me.

"Zayn! I'm looking for Zayn!" I panicked, attempting to act calm but deeply failing.

"Who's Zayn?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Oh god, even you?!" I groaned, "Isn't he your childhood friend?!"

I remembered that one dream where I saw Liam and Zayn sky gazing on that boat, but then I was sure it was just inconsistency because I never saw Liam in my dreams after that.

"I don't have a childhood friend named Zayn" he said blankly.

"Forget it" I slouched my shoulders.

Liam took a sip of his coke, "Do you want to stay for a drink?"

"Where are we anyway?"

He opened his eyes to answer but everything just went pitch black.

I sat up in bed and buried my face into my hands. This couldn't possibly be happening. I instantly went to the kitchen and drank a whole glass of warm milk before going back under the sheets again hoping that maybe third time the lucky charm.

But it wasn't. In my third dream I was stood in the middle of a red carpet, surrounded by flashes and reporters who were asking me the most bizarre questions yet. I ignored them and called out for Zayn, but everything was such a big blur.

The fourth dream was even more confusing. I was in the middle of a film shooting and a man, who I supposed was the director, was shouting his balls off at me. The rest of the cast gave me evil glares whilst I stood there cluelessly.

I just wanted Zayn to take me on an adventure, like always. I didn't care if it was something as dangerous as climbing up mount everest, to something as sexual as entering a strip club. I just wanted to be with him.

The next thing I knew, I was already in another dream.

I woke up several times that night, going from one dream to another. At the crack of dawn I woke up with proper tears in my eyes.

It was all my fault. I told Zayn to leave me alone, and he did. I wanted to turn back time and ask him to stay forever.

I was not only alone in reality, but also in my dreams.


Oh god this was emotional, I feel like every chapter I'm writing now is bloody emotional.


Chapter Countdown: 3 (Oh gawd no)

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-J x

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