37 || Record Labels & Fading Relationships

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Chapter Thirty-Seven || Record Labels and Fading Relationships


I couldn't believe it. Harry was seeing the therapist for the same reasons? I wasted no time in running down the stairs and calling over a taxi, before driving to his office.

It didn't take long for us to arrive. After paying the driver, I rushed out and pushed the door open, ignoring all the eyes on me. I cautiously slipped past many of the busy workers until I found the more quiet part of the office, my eyes instantly landing on Harry and Louis' part of the room.

I ran in, only to find Louis filling in a sheet of paper whilst Harry was sat opposite him, facing his computer. His green eyes were glued to the screen of his phone, his feet resting on the computer table infront of him.

"Oh hey, your back" Harry looked up and smiled, taking his feet off the table, "How was your trip?"

I dropped my suitcase on the floor and tried to catch my breath, "Harry, we need to talk. Right now"

Louis, who had already sensed something was up, pointed towards the lounge room, "Take it in there"

I didn't even wait for Harry to move. I just quickly walked towards the lounge and waited for him to follow me. I sat on one of the sofas, not really knowing what to say first.

Seconds later Harry followed me inside, fixing the belt attached to his skinny black jeans. At work he was required to wear puffy black pants, but he had made it clear to his boss that there way no way he was going to walk around wearing them, "What's up, love?"

"I need you to explain this" I showed him a picture of his file that I took on my phone. I thought it would be better than stealing the whole document.

He frowned and I felt his body tense when he saw the photo with his name and condition, "Where...Where did you find that?"

"I need you to explain this to me first" I begged, "Is this why you know Zayn? You know him, don't you?"

"Why the hell is he so important to you anyway?" Harry snapped, "Do you know him in real life? Are you seeing him behind my back? Are you really head over fucking heels in love with him, just like in my dreams?"

I swallowed hard, "You've been dreaming of us?"

"Every night Perrie, every goddamn night. It's like a nightmare that I can't get rid of!" His deep voice began to sound hoarse, "How long have you been seeing him?"

"Harry, I've never met Zayn.." I began, "I only know him in my dreams"


"It's true!" I insisted, "I don't know anything about him in real life, I swear. I saw your files whilst I was in the clinic, and I freaked out because..well, I've been seeing a therapist too. I've been experiencing lucid dreaming for weeks now"

"Then it's true hm? Your really in love with him just like how I see it?"

"Like how you see it?"

"Fucking hell, I have no idea what's going on right now" Harry ran a hand through his curls which reached just till under his ears, "I-I don't know, I've just been dreaming about you guys being in love. It all started with this dream when I saw you making out with this guy at a party. I didn't let it get to me much, but then the dreams just kept continuing and continuing"

"What were your dreams of after that?"

"They got worse" Harry leaned back, "You would always hang out with that same man. It was like you couldn't see me at all or something

Finding Zayn >> p.e/z.m (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now