21 || Confronting Niall & Royal Wannabes

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Chapter Twenty-One || Confronting Niall and Royal Wannabes



Later that night, after me and Harry finally decided to end our 'business', I'd never felt so exhausted in my life.

I had taken a shower and had instantly gone to bed, my lower region still as sore as ever. When I checked before, my thighs were a deep red with a few purple bruises here and there.

Believe me, it hurts.

"Tonight was fun" Harry grinned, pulling the covers over us as we snuggled up for the first time in weeks, "We should do it again"

"Yeah, it won't be happening for months now" I rolled my eyes, smiling.

Harry frowned, "Why?"

"You kind of left bruises everywhere, and it hurts so bad"

"Well that is what you told me to do" He raised his eyebrows, smirking. I scoffed playfully, facing my back towards him.


I instantly fell asleep, and before I knew it I was in dreamland.

********** (lmao these scenarios with Harry don't last very long xD)

"What are you doing here?" A loud voice boomed. I was shaken out of my trance, not having a clue as to what was going on.

The minute I took sight of the antique dancefloor, it all came flooding back. Me and Zayn had just broken into a castle to find Louis.


"What are you doing here?" I gasped as I watched Louis make his way down the long staircase.

"I just asked you that question" he retorted. He had a clear, strong french accent which just made everything wierder.

"Wait, you know him?" Zayn frowned, looking quite puzzled as he ran a hand through his hair. It took him a while to face Louis, but when he did he just looked even more puzzled, "Wait, this is your castle?"

"He's my brother for Pete's sake!" I paused, waiting for Louis to respond.

"He doesn't look like your brother, or a king" Zayn mumbled quietly.

"I agree with you on the king one" I shot back.

Louis rolled his eyes and straightened out his cliche red robe, "I'm not a king. I could totally hear you by the way, you strange looking olive"

"Hey!" Zayn folded his arms, looking quite insulted.

I stepped in between them, placing my hands to both of their chests, "Right, can you guys stop it?! I need some questions being answered"

"You need what being answered?" Louis frowned, looking like he hadn't a clue what I had just said.

"Questions" I replied harshly.

Now Zayn frowned, "What now?"

Louis looked over at Zayn, scrunching his face up, "I have no idea what she just said"

"I said Questions goddamit!"

"Oh" Zayn's features relaxed after finally understanding, "She said Questions"

"She's got a strange accent" Louis  coughed lowly, like he didn't want me to hear.

"Hey!" I retorted, crossing my arms just below my chest, "You two are such dorks"

Finding Zayn >> p.e/z.m (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now