Chapter Sixty-Seven: Breakfast

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Ruby woke up to the smell of burning food. She turned on the light and looked around. Sam wasn't there. She vaguely remembered Sam saying that the trial could wait until morning. Everything from that evening was hazy.

She stumbled out into the living room, squinting her eyes. "Sam?" she asked. Her voice caught and she started coughing. Sam walked over and guided her into the kitchen. He waited patiently until she stopped coughing. The kitchen was a mess.

"I wanted to make breakfast for you."  He rubbed the back of his neck. "It didn't really work out."

"What's the damage?"  Ruby got up and examined the kitchen.  It looked like he'd tried to make eggs.  A pan with blackened eggs stuck to it was placed haphazardly to the side.  There were pancakes on a plate. Most of them were burned and there was pancake mix on the floor.

"Don't laugh," he pleaded.

"Oh, baby."  Ruby just smiled and ruffled his hair.  "I'm not that hungry anyways. Maybe there's a pancake or two that's salvageable."

"What in the hell is that smell?"  Dean asked.

"Sam's attempt at making breakfast.  Where did you get that?"  Ruby eyed the robe he was wearing.

"Dead guy robe," Sam said.

"Excuse me?" Ruby asked.

"He found some robe that a Man of Letters must have used. Dead guy robe." 

"That's what I called it," Julissa said, appearing behind Dean.

"So," Dean said. "How was the 'forgive me, Father' last night? You were already half asleep when Sam brought you back."

"You're just trying to change the subject," Ruby said.

"So are you."

"Touché." She sighed. "Anyways. Sam, I applaud you for trying to make a decent breakfast, but, um, I think we should just go out."

"You guys go ahead. I think Julie and I are going to stay here."

"Dean. Can I talk to your first?"  Ruby asked.

"Sure." He looked a bit confused.

Sam and Julissa left. "Dean, I wanted to apologize for, uh, being a bitch sometimes."

"Hey it's fine. I get it. You weren't totally a bitch anyway."  He patted her shoulder. She laughed.

• • •

"Sam?"  Ruby asked over a half-eaten plate of eggs.  There were at IHOP; Sam had already finished his food.  Ruby only ordered scrambled eggs and toast.


"I'm sorry.  For lying to you and resenting you and arguing with you.  I mean, I'll probably do it again, but I'm sorry I did."  When he didn't start talking, she added "You don't have to say anything."

"I know you're sorry."  He reached out and touched her face.  "I love you.  No matter what."

"We should go."

• • •

"Where is everyone?"  Ruby asked Castiel.

"The lovebirds are eloping," Meg said, flipping through a magazine.

"It is true," Cas said.  "Dean and Julissa are getting married.  Mary went with them.  Kevin is still here – sleeping."

"I feel like I should be mad, but I'm not mad," Ruby said.

"I'm a little mad," Sam said.  "So, I guess we just start without them."

"That's what Dean said to do.  I have everything right here," Cas said.  He unrolled a washcloth to reveal a single syringe. 

"Okay."  Ruby unintentionally backed into Sam.

"Oh, my God," Meg started.  "You're telling me –"

"Shut up," Ruby said, flushing.

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