Chapter Fifty-One: Glass

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"Crap work. She literally meant crap." Sam sighed and drank the rest of his water. "I've been shoveling horse shit all day."

"Well, the upside is you don't have to try to make conversation with the Kardashians." She smirked. "Key word being 'try.' How the hell are we supposed to find out who made the deal? I mean, I think it's the old man, but how do we tell?"

Castiel appeared suddenly. "Have you found the person who made the deal yet?" He handed each of them a pair of glasses.

"Uh, no. Cas. What are these?" Ruby held up the glasses.

"They're glasses scorched with holy fire. They'll allow you to see the hounds. I have to go and keep watch." He disappeared.

Ruby grumbled, "I hate glasses." She had to give Cas credit though, they were pretty cute. She looked up at Sam. He looked like such a hipster with his long hair, big glasses, and flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up. "Wow." Ruby stood on her toes and tucked Sam's hair behind his ear. She whispered, "I am so turned on right now." Sam sighed wistfully.

"Hey! What do you two think I'm paying you for? Get back to work." It was Ellie, the ranch manager.

Ruby blushed majorly. She rushed away, looking down. She went into the living room with her hands behind her back. Everyone was arguing. "Can I get anyone anything?" she asked timidly then again, louder. They kept arguing.

"I'm not saying I didn't love him, I'm just saying that I don't know how I fell in love with him. I don't even feel that sad, and my husband just died." It was Alice Cassidy. Her husband had just died horribly. The whole family was there for the funeral.

"Maybe you're just in shock," her father, Noah. Ruby couldn't tell if he was trying to comfort her or just trying to get her to shut up.

"No, it's different than that."

Ruby cleared her throat, and everyone turned to look at her. "Does anyone want more to drink or eat?"

"Finally," Cindy Cassidy said, rolling her eyes. "Get me another glass of wine. And, be a little more generous this time." She tapped the top of her glass. Ruby had already given her a 'generous' amount last time, but, oh well.

She took the glass said, "Yes, ma'am" and headed to the kitchen.

Nothing made sense. They thought someone made a deal so they struck oil. It sounded like he did make a deal, but one so that Alice would love him. And, since he died, it's like she didn't even know him anymore.

Ruby shook her head and brought the glass of wine out to Cindy. They'd stopped fighting, so Ruby figured it was a good time to question them. She looked at Alice. "If you don't mind me asking, how long did you know Carl?" She clasped her hands behind her back, trying to look submissive.

"We knew each other since we were kids, but ten years ago was when I really noticed him for the first time. I don't know what it was, but that was a really good week. I found the love of my life and our family literally struck oil. Then, Cindy's single was in the top ten on every radio station."

"Hmm." It sounded like more Hellhounds were coming to collect pretty damn soon.

"Yeah, well. Maybe you can get over Carl pretty quick by marrying a child like Daddy did." Noah had recently married a twenty year old model.

Noah spoke up. Ruby hadn't heard him speak all day. "Ivanka's not a child."

"Right," Cindy drawled. "She's not a child, just a prostitute who looks like one."

"Okay," Ruby said quickly, eager to get out of the room. She looked at the youngest girl, Margot, and asked "Do you want a refill?"

Margot stage whispered, "No thanks. Get out of here while you still can."

"Thank you," Ruby mouthed.

She was in the kitchen, prepping some appetizers, but she could still hear some of their conversation.

"I can't even remember the last time we were all together like this," Alice said.

"It was back at the old, crappy house," Cindy said, "when Daddy invited that traveling salesman to dinner."

"Oh, him," Margot said wistfully.

"He was charming," Alice said.

"Yeah, English, too. What was his name? Kenny?"



"Crowley," one of the girls said, positively.

In the LightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora