Chapter Ten: A Deadly Vision

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Ruby went into the bathroom to pack up and put on some more comfortable clothes. That's when her phone rang. Her heart skipped a beat. It was Charlie. She answered.

"What are you doing? You left the convent. What could have possessed you to do that? Seriously."

"I'm doing God's work. Don't worry. I'm still the same, I'm just doing more important things now." Ruby was being purposefully vague.

"First you leave us to help some exorcists which is weird enough on its own. Now, you've left the convent - and us - all of a sudden. We're best friends, Elena! I know you better than anyone. I know you aren't going to tell me what's going on no matter how much I ask. Please, just keep in touch. I'm praying for you." So quickly, Charlie hung up.

Ruby just stood there for a minute, then she shoved everything in her bag. She walked out of the bathroom with quick strides and said "Let's go." Sam and Dean weren't done packing, but she kept walking out to the car. She didn't want to think. She took a Benadryl so she would sleep on the long drive.

• • •

It wasn't long before she fell asleep against Sam's shoulder. She wasn't fully asleep though. She heard them talking about her. Dean said "Don't get me wrong, Sammy. She's a natural hunter and I'm glad she's here, but something's going on. She's erratic. I know you know what's going on. You gonna tell me?"

"No, Dean. That's her decision," Sam said loyally.

"Fair enough."

Ruby drifted off. That's when the vision started. They were sitting at a poker table. Ruby looked at the man to her left. His eyes were all black, but then he blinked and they were normal. He stood up. The dealer started to say something when the man with the black eyes took a gun out of his waistband and shot him in the face.

Ruby tried to back up but her chair dragged against the carpet. The brothers were faster. Dean already had holy water out; he threw it on the demon. The man screamed, his voice distorted. The pain must have caused him to pull the trigger. The bullet hit Sam and he was thrown backwards. Ruby screamed his name and woke up.

She must have yelled out loud because Dean slammed on the breaks and caused the car the swerve. They went into the grass in the middle of the highway. Thankfully, there weren't any cars around because it was the middle of the day on a Wednesday.

"What the hell?" he shouted.

"Ruby?" Sam asked, concern in his eyes.

She looked at Dean. "Find a place where we can get out of the car and talk."

He looked at her incredulously, but got back on the highway and took the nearest exit. It wasn't long until they found an empty parking lot. Dean parked the car and they walked a little ways. Dean turned around, crossed his arms, and said "Talk," to Ruby.

"That's the third vision I've had," she said bluntly.

Sam looked at Dean. He didn't seem surprising by what she said, but Dean rolled his eyes and muttered "Like we don't have enough problems already." Then louder, he said "What happened in these visions?"

"The first one happened the night before you came and got me. You guys were at the door. You tripped and cursed, then I saw Sam. The second one was of Agnes's house when you were thrown against the wall. The one I just had was of us at a poker table in a casino. The guy to my left had black eyes. He pulled out a gun and shot the dealer. You threw holy water on him and he shot Sam. Then I woke up." She didn't look at Sam; was easier to say all of it to Dean.

She looked at Sam. Darkly, he asked "Did the first one happen while you were asleep?"

"Yeah." Before she could ask questions, he said "Headaches?" She nodded. "The second one happened when we touched hands outside the house." That one wasn't a question.

"You get them too?" she asked in a hushed tone.

"Sam's started around the same time as yours. This better be a good thing because it seems pretty spooky to me. Let's get in the car. We don't want to miss that demon."

"What about Sam? Do we leave him in a hotel nearby?" Ruby knew Sam wouldn't want that. She also knew that Dean would do what he had to to protect Sam.

"No, Ruby. I need to go with you. We'll just have to do it differently so I don't get shot."

"Dammit, Sammy. I don't like this."

Sam rolled his eyes at Dean's nickname for him. "Yeah well, you know you need me, Dean. I'm doing this."

"Fine." Dean turned to Ruby. "You know what this guy looks like?" She nodded. "So you point him out to us and we'll hand cuff him. Say we're from the FBI and take him somewhere; he probably won't smoke out in a room full of people. We should question him; see if he knows anything about these visions."

"Sounds like a plan," Sam said, and started walking back to the car.

"This better work," Ruby said, nervous, but also slightly threatening.

"Hey. I care about Sammy as much as you do. This will work." He sounded like he was trying to convince himself. Ruby said a silent prayer, following Dean back to the car.

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