Chapter Twelve: What are Those?!

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When Sam fully woke up the next day, he seemed pretty good, considering. Dean had told her that he knew Sam would be fine because they'd had worse. The stories he'd told her...

It was true. Sam said he didn't feel that bad whereas Ruby knew she'd be in so much pain in that situation. He only took an aspirin even though Dean offered him something in a prescription bottle. "What are those?" she asked Dean, raising an eyebrow at the bottle. "Effective." He winked.

Dean found a hunt a few states over, but he called a hunter named Rufus and asked him to take care of it. It wasn't a very polite conversation.

"You didn't have to do that, Dean," Sam said.

"What? I'll get some quality time with my brother and his girl. And the strippers."

"Speaking of strippers, I'll be going to church tomorrow. Don't worry Dean, I'll pray for your soul." She said that somewhat jokingly.

"After all this, you're going to keep going to church?" Dean obviously couldn't see how that was possible.

"Yeah. Evil is the absence of God. There's still good in the world, you just don't see it. All you're ever around is these evil creatures. That's their goal - to convince you there is no God and no consequences for your actions. He's a good God who deserves praise. He could smite all of us right now, but he chooses to love us despite our abandonment of Him."

"What about all the sickness in the world? The wars and murders and rapists and abuse?"

"Im not sure about illness. I think the purpose for that is to bring us closer to God somehow. As for the latter, that's free will. I can't explain it. I just know that God is there."

"Until I see it with my own two eyes, I'm going out for strippers and skipping church."

Ruby started to retaliate, but Sam shushed them, not even enough energy to talk. He had been sitting up in bed, leaning against the wall. He laid down then. Sam absently scratched his bandage.

"Oh, it's time to check your stitches." Ruby used air quotes around the word stitches. She pulled off the tape and Sam groaned, annoyed. "Dean..?" She was using the tone people used when something was wrong, but they didn't want the person to know. Dean stepped closer to the bed. "Crap," he muttered. "I'm going to the hospital to get what we need. You stay here and call me if something happens." He was out the door five seconds later.

Sam, half asleep, started scratching at his stitches again. "Stop," Ruby said loud enough to wake him up. He looked down and saw the redness around his stitches. "Oh. That explains why I feel so bad." Ruby touched his forehead. He was burning up; his cheeks were pink but the rest of his face was pale. "Sam!" She chastised him for not telling her.

She called Dean ten minutes later. "I've got the antibiotics and blood," Dean said in a husky voice instead of saying hello. "Do you think he can wait a few extra minutes? I have something I'd like to do before coming back."

"Fine, but be quick."

"Trust me, I can be quick." He hung up.

Not much later, Dean showed up. His hair was messy and he had his jacket in his hand. "Don't wake him up. I got an IV bag of antibiotics and type AB+ blood."

That was when Ruby understood. "You had sex with some woman at the hospital to get this stuff, didn't you? That's why you were late."

"I thought you'd get that earlier."

"I was a bit preoccupied with your possibly dying brother."

"Speaking of. You wanna do the honors?" He was holding up the IV needle. She rolled her eyes. She was terrified of needles, but no need to let Dean know that.

"I'm not kidding. You need to at least watch. One day, it might be you who has to do this." She walked over without complaining. He pushed the needle in and hung up the bags on the wall with some thumbtacks.

Making conversation, Ruby asked Dean to tell her about the hospital.

What had happened was, Dean broke into the room where they were keeping the blood and antibiotics. A nurse or someone came in and saw him. He somehow charmed his way out of her getting security. Ruby had called him while they were making out. He said they had sex right on the floor there. He laid out one of the blankets they had there. He got caught up in the moment describing it. He talked about how smooth yet firm her skin was. Her hair was soft as his fingers pulled it.

Ruby stopped him there. She didn't think it was very appropriate for her to be this turned on in front of him with Sam asleep on the bed. "It's kind of late. I'm just gonna sleep. There's a Mass at 11. The church is nearby so I'll just walk. Will you stay here with Sam?"

"Of course." He looked at his brother protectively. "Can I tell you to have fun or is that heresy."

"It's not heresy." She laughed. "Goodnight, Dean."

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