Chapter Forty-Seven: Angels and Kevin

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Everything happened in a matter of seconds. Two people had appeared in front of Ruby and Kevin. They were wearing white and gray, and were holding blades like the one Castiel had. Ruby grabbed Kevin by the arm, but she knew they couldn't escape. Cas appeared then and started fighting them off.

Cas couldn't handle both of them at once. The man advanced toward Ruby and Kevin. Ruby stood in front of Kevin, telling him to run. She hit the man hard in the face. He moved to hit her back, but she dodged it. Suddenly, he was knocked down by Mary. She straddled him and started beating him. Ruby grabbed Kevin and took him outside. He was in too much shock move.

Ruby didn't know if it was possible to hide from angels, but she had to try. Kevin was obviously very important; she couldn't let anything happen to him. Not to mention, he was just an innocent kid. "You okay?" Ruby asked. She started the car and drove out of the parking lot onto the road.

"Yeah," his voice squeaked.

"Good. Here." She fished her phone out of her pocket and handed it to him. "Call Dean."

After a minute, Kevin said "It went to voicemail."

"Dammit!" She hit the steering wheel. "Call Sam and put it on speaker."

On what must have been the last ring, Sam answered. "Ruby? Where are you?"

"We're on the highway. What happened?"

"Cas said the angels want Kevin for some reason. He had to kill them. Get off at the next exit and find a motel. We'll meet you there. I'm sending you a picture." He paused. "You need to draw it on a flat surface in your blood. Castiel says that if angels appear, all you have to do is put your hand with blood on it against the sigil. It'll make them disappear."

"I look forward to that." Ruby changed lanes to get on the exit.

"If you like that, you'll love this. Cas carved enochian symbols into our ribs. He says that it will prevent angels from finding us."

"Awesome," she said sarcastically before telling Sam where they were staying.

• • •

Ruby sucked in a breath as she drew the knife across her wrist. Blood began to pool and she dripped it into a bowl. She painted the symbol behind the door. Kevin just sat at the table, still clutching the tablet to his chest. Ruby wrapped a towel around her arm, then sat down next to Kevin. She was attempting to comfort him when the others came back.

She patted Kevin on the knee then went and hugged Sam. He gently lifted the towel off her arm; she winced a little. "Sorry," he said. She was still bleeding. Sam looked up at Castiel, pressing the towel back onto the cut. "Cas?"

Castiel walked up to Ruby. His hand hovered over her breasts. She was about to make a comment about it being awkward when searing pain shot through her chest. She could feel the markings being carved into her ribs. She stepped back, her hand rubbing her chest.

"It's a real bitch, ain't it?" Sam said.

She chuckled painfully. "Yeah."

Cas took her hand. "May I?" he asked, looking at the cut. She nodded, glad that he asked. He put his hand on top of the cut and when he took it away, the cut was gone.

"Thanks." He nodded and walked toward Kevin. He backed into the couch and clutched the tablet tighter to his chest. "Cas, stop." Ruby stepped between them and put her hand on Cas's chest. He tilted his head to the side. "He's terrified," she whispered. "Just - wait."

She sat down next to Kevin. "Hey. What Castiel is going to do will probably hurt pretty bad, but he can put you to sleep if you want. You don't have to try to be brave or anything. We understand." Kevin nodded and gulped. Cas put him to sleep.

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